New Year celebrations at Bugcast Towers<br />
Twingey buttocks
Upcoming events
Podcasts mentioned
Please leave us feedback on the music or any of the topics that we’ve discussed.
The next show will be episode 788 which will be streamed live on Friday 12 January 2024 at 21:30-ish UK time (GMT/UTC).
Join us during the week on our Telegram group chat – click here to join (you’ll need a Telegram account)
Special thanks go to
Our <a href="">supporters</a>!<br />
The artists for allowing us to play their music.<br />
Everyone who joined us in the chat room for the live broadcast of this show.<br />
<a href="">Internet Archive</a> for hosting the media files<br />
<a href="">Euterpia Radio</a> for the use of their Shoutcast server
What we got up to over Christmas<br />
What day is it?<br />
TV show recommendation: Netflix: <a href="">Obliterated</a> – not for kids or your elders!
Upcoming events
Podcasts mentioned
Please leave us feedback on the music or any of the topics that we’ve discussed.
The next show will be episode 787 which will be streamed live on Friday 5 January 2024 at 21:30-ish UK time (GMT/UTC).
Join us during the week on our Telegram group chat – click here to join (you’ll need a Telegram account)
Special thanks go to
Our <a href="">supporters</a>!<br />
The artists for allowing us to play their music.<br />
Everyone who joined us in the chat room for the live broadcast of this show.<br />
<a href="">Internet Archive</a> for hosting the media files<br />
<a href="">Euterpia Radio</a> for the use of their Shoutcast server
This week on The Bugcast: Whamageddon hits number one, our week off last week, listener feedback, and eight tracks of fantastic Creative Commons and Independent music.
Special thanks to Andrew for guest co-hosting last week<br />
BBC News: <a href="">Last Christmas scores Christmas number one, beating Sam Ryder and Mariah Carey</a><br />
Our Anniversary last weekend<br />
Listener feedback
Upcoming events
Podcasts mentioned
Please leave us feedback on the music or any of the topics that we’ve discussed.
The next show will be episode 786 which will be streamed live on Friday 29 December 2023 at 21:30-ish UK time (GMT/UTC).
Join us during the week on our Telegram group chat – click here to join (you’ll need a Telegram account)
Special thanks go to
Our <a href="">supporters</a>!<br />
The artists for allowing us to play their music.<br />
Everyone who joined us in the chat room for the live broadcast of this show.<br />
<a href="">Internet Archive</a> for hosting the media files<br />
<a href="">Euterpia Radio</a> for the use of their Shoutcast server
Fellows feeling festive festoon followers with freedom! In this Christmas themed episode and the last one of the year, Kevie, Dave (aka thelovebug) and Andrew (aka mcnalu) have lovingly hand-picked a couple of FOSS goodies for their tenuous yuletide connections.
We look at Retropie (because everybody loves getting games at Christmas) which causes an outbreak of nostalgia amongst your hosts. Also, to make Santa’s life easier whilst he checks his list, we look at the hierarchical note taking app Cherrytree (Kevie also tested out the Android app SourCherry).
The steps that were spoken of in the show for setting up Retropie were as follows:
if you want to use external storage such as a USB thumb drive, then you need to create a folder called retropie-mount on the root of the drive using the PC. On Retropie go to the configuration page and select retropie setup. Then select configuration / tools and this will bring up another menu, scroll all the way down to the bottom and select usbromservice (this will be off the screen when you first look at this menu), select enable and hit OK. Go back to the home screen, press the start button on your controller and reboot the system from the quit option. When Retropie has loaded up to the home screen, plug in the USB drive and wait about 1 minute and then remove the drive again. This will have setup the USB drive with the appropriate folders. If you simply fire a load of ROMs onto a USB then it will not work; they need to go into the specific directory.
By default the sound is sent through the HDMI output, this is no use for me as my monitor does not have speakers. Press menu and select sound setting, you only get headphones or HDMI. Audio via bluetooth is not enabled by default on Retropie. The steps that worked for me on a Raspeberry Pi 400 were:
First I needed to drop out of this graphical UI to a terminal, you can’t use the pad for this, you will need a keyboard.
Press F4 to take you to a terminal
Install the pulseaudio-module-bluetooth with the command sudo apt install pulseaudio-module-bluetooth
Add the user to the bluetooth group with the command sudo adduser pi bluetooth
Now we need to tell the Pi to use the connected bluetoooth audio speaker and for this we need to use a text editor, I used Nano as it was already installed: sudo nano /etc/pulse/
Add the line load-module module-switch-on-connect
Save and exit the file
Now we need to tell bluetooth to enable the audio service. Again we need to edit a file: sudo nano /etc/bluetooth/main.conf
Find the [General] section and add the line: Enable=Source,Sink,Media,Socket
Save and exit the file
Reboot the system with sudo reboot
On reboot select configuration on the home screen and select Bluetooth
Select Pair and Connect to Bluetooth Device (make sure that your device is in pairing mode)
Select Configure Bluetooth Connect Mode and then select background
I noticed after starting playing is that I had a black border around my screen. To remove this go to configuration, select raspi-config and then select Display Options, then scroll to Underscan and select No. This won’t affect you if you have this connected to a TV, but it will if connected to a monitor. Once you exit the settings it will ask if you want to reboot, you will need to reboot for this to take effect. Upon reboot the black border is removed.
The artwork is not loaded by default and it isn’t clear how to get this, however it is not difficult. When you have your ROMs listed in front of you, press start on your controller and select the Scraper option, then select Scrape Now and all of your ROMs will have their artwork. This is purely optional and only an aesthetic addition. A word of warning is that it will go through each ROM and ask which art you would like or which version of the game it is. If you are like me and have 1000s of ROMs then this is something that you may wish to skip unless you really wish to spend a lot of time configuring your system.
This episode is festively spiced with the following mix of festive tracks:
This week on The Bugcast: we’re joined by a Doctor, discuss rhubarb and bed bugs, discuss the Doctor, and eight tracks of fantastic Creative Commons music.
Dave is joined by Andrew Conway as his special guest co-host this week!<br />
The Guardian: <a href="">UK bans giant rhubarb after study finds popular garden plant is invasive species</a><br />
BBC News: <a href="">Two arrested in France over alleged bedbug scam</a><br />
BBC iPlayer: <a href="">Doctor Who: Wild Blue Yonder</a>
Upcoming events
<strong><a href="">Podcrawl Jitsi Christmas 2023</a></strong><br />
Saturday 16 December 2023 from 18:00 UK time
Podcasts mentioned
Please leave us feedback on the music or any of the topics that we’ve discussed.
There will be no show on Friday 15 December! The next show will be episode 785 which will be streamed live on Friday 22 December 2023 at 21:30-ish UK time (GMT/UTC).
Join us during the week on our Telegram group chat – click here to join (you’ll need a Telegram account)
Special thanks go to
Andrew for guest co-hosting the show this week!<br />
Our <a href="">supporters</a>!<br />
The artists for allowing us to play their music.<br />
Everyone who joined us in the chat room for the live broadcast of this show.<br />
<a href="">Internet Archive</a> for hosting the media files<br />
<a href="">Euterpia Radio</a> for the use of their Shoutcast server
It is time for our annual list of things we really want for Christmas things we want geeks throughout the world to receive for Christmas. Partners, friends and relatives of geeks take note! TuxJam will return to its usual format for a December Christmas show.
BBC News: <a href="">Brigit Forsyth: Still Open All Hours actress dies aged 83</a><br />
BBC News: <a href="">Dean Sullivan: Brookside actor dies aged 68</a><br />
BBC News: <a href="">Shane MacGowan: Pogues singer dies aged 65</a><br />
BBC News: <a href="">Annabel Giles: TV presenter and actress dies</a><br />
Advent calendars<br />
BBC iPlayer: <a href="">Doctor Who: The Star Beast</a>
Upcoming events
<strong><a href="">Podcrawl Jitsi Christmas 2023</a></strong><br />
Saturday 16 December 2023 from 18:00 UK time
Podcasts mentioned
Please leave us feedback on the music or any of the topics that we’ve discussed.
The next show will be episode 784 which will be streamed live on Friday 8 December 2023 at 21:30-ish UK time (GMT/UTC). There will be no show on Friday 15 December! The show after that will be episode 785, which will be our Christmas special.
Join us during the week on our Telegram group chat – click here to join (you’ll need a Telegram account)
Special thanks go to
Our <a href="">supporters</a>!<br />
The artists for allowing us to play their music.<br />
Everyone who joined us in the chat room for the live broadcast of this show.<br />
<a href="">Internet Archive</a> for hosting the media files<br />
<a href="">Euterpia Radio</a> for the use of their Shoutcast server
<strong><a href="">Podcrawl Jitsi Christmas 2023</a></strong><br />
Saturday 16 December 2023 from 18:00 UK time
Podcasts mentioned
Please leave us feedback on the music or any of the topics that we’ve discussed.
The next show will be episode 782 which will be streamed live on Friday 1 December 2023 at 21:30-ish UK time (GMT/UTC).
Join us during the week on our Telegram group chat – click here to join (you’ll need a Telegram account)
Special thanks go to
Our <a href="">supporters</a>!<br />
The artists for allowing us to play their music.<br />
Everyone who joined us in the chat room for the live broadcast of this show.<br />
<a href="">Internet Archive</a> for hosting the media files<br />
<a href="">Euterpia Radio</a> for the use of their Shoutcast server
This week on The Bugcast: a shorter show this week, with podcasting and politics, and just four tracks of fantastic Creative Commons and independent music.
Dave’s <a href="">NaPodPoMo</a> update<br />
BBC News: <a href="">Rishi Sunak sacks Suella Braverman as home secretary</a>
Upcoming events
<strong><a href="">Podcrawl Jitsi Christmas 2023</a></strong><br />
Saturday 16 December 2023 from 18:00 UK time
Podcasts mentioned
Please leave us feedback on the music or any of the topics that we’ve discussed.
The next show will be episode 782 which will be streamed live on Friday 24 November 2023 at 21:30-ish UK time (GMT/UTC).
Join us during the week on our Telegram group chat – click here to join (you’ll need a Telegram account)
Special thanks go to
Our <a href="">supporters</a>!<br />
The artists for allowing us to play their music.<br />
Everyone who joined us in the chat room for the live broadcast of this show.<br />
<a href="">Internet Archive</a> for hosting the media files<br />
<a href="">Euterpia Radio</a> for the use of their Shoutcast server
Dave’s <a href="">NaPodPoMo</a> update<br />
BBC News: <a href="">Whatever happened to NFTs?</a><br />
Busy Moo on Wednesday, at <a href="">North Star Science School</a>
Upcoming events
Podcasts mentioned
Please leave us feedback on the music or any of the topics that we’ve discussed.
The next show will be episode 781 which will be streamed live on Friday 17 November 2023 at 21:30-ish UK time (GMT/UTC).
Join us during the week on our Telegram group chat – click here to join (you’ll need a Telegram account)
Special thanks go to
Our <a href="">supporters</a>!<br />
The artists for allowing us to play their music.<br />
Everyone who joined us in the chat room for the live broadcast of this show.<br />
<a href="">Internet Archive</a> for hosting the media files<br />
<a href="">Euterpia Radio</a> for the use of their Shoutcast server