The Binary Times – Series 2 Episode 12

Series 2 Episode 12 – In the episode Mark has installed Kubuntu 18.04, Wayne discusses some realisations from the chat with Noah Chelliah last week, disabling Androids persistent ‘Using battery’ notification, RHSA Video on youtube, VIM tips, Under the hood and another epic Irish saying, have a listen…
00:24 Wayne welcomes us to the ultimate episode of season 2 and probably the final episode of 2017 while Mark leaves in the possibility of one more episode. This being essentially their Christmas episode, the guys talk of Christmas parties and jingles almost causes them to break tradition and not talk about the weather, though thankfully Wayne pulls it back and saves the day!
02:23 Mark tells us he’s managed to download LineageOS 14.1 for his nexus 4 though has yet to install it on the phone! He’s also wiped Chakra OS off of his thinkpad laptop and replaced it with a daily build of Kubuntu 18.04. His excuse is that he just wasn’t investing the time in Chakra and wants to test Kubuntu 18.04. Mark tells us a bit about the default applications on Kubuntu and queries the choice of Cantata as the default music client. It turns out that Cantata is a graphical Qt5 client for MPD, not Qt4 as Mark stated. Mark also says that he is noticing more crashes recently with Firefox 57 on both Kubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 16.04, although Wayne has noticed no such thing. Further investigation required!
08:10 Wayne tells us about his thoughts regarding the Noah Chelliah interview and this leads to a conversation around the versatility of linux versus the proprietary licensing hell that organisations put off with. The guys point out that the conversation is based on their opinions and nothing more! Wayne goes on to tell us that he is planning on implementing more Linux in his workplace and follows up the conversation with a talk about freeipa.
15:54 Wayne tells us that he has started watching a 13 hour Youtube video on Red Hat System Administration Qualification by Joseph Delgadillo.
19:24 Mark follows this up with a mention of the latest Humble Book Bundle on Network & Security Certification.

22:21 Wayne tells us about an Android Oreo trick to disable the 'battery usage' notification messages:
Unlock your device running Android Oreo
Swipe down on the notification shade, fully exposing the 'using battery' notification
Long press on the notification until it changes and shows a toggle
Tap on the toggle, making sure that its greyed out
Select Done to disable the ‘using battery’ notification
22:32 Mark tells us about the FSF campaign drive to increase their associate membership. He goes on to tell us about the FSF shop with new items including a scarf. Very fancy and the perfect gift for Christmas! He finishes this news piece urging our American cousins to heed the call on the latest blog article of defective by design to help in the fight against the DMCA anti-circumvention rules by December 15th.
27:46 Mark goes on to talk about the Ericsson Mobility Report and some of the really interesting headline numbers that are given in that report. There’s some really big, crazy numbers in that report! Complete Madness!
36:36 Wayne kicks off Under the Hood with some really nice tips:
sudo adduser username groupname
for example : add a user to the sudoers file
sudo adduser seb sudo
To temporarily lock or unlock a user account, use the following syntax, respectively:
sudo passwd -l username
sudo passwd -u username
To add or delete a personalised group, use the following syntax, respectively:
sudo addgroup groupname
sudo delgroup groupname
To easily view the current status of a user account, use the following syntax:
sudo chage -l username
The following is also an example of how you can manually change the explicit expiration date (-E) to 01/31/2015, minimum password age (-m) of 5 days, maximum password age (-M) of 90 days, inactivity period (-I) of 5 days after password expiration, and a warning time period (-W) of 14 days before password expiration:
sudo chage username

sudo chage -E 01/31/2015 -m 5 -M 90 -I 30 -W 14 username

39:53 Mark has a quick tip to check what kind of processor you have in your system:
[sudo] cat /proc/cpuinfo (where the [sudo] is optional).
42:10 Wayne adds in a Christmas present of his “under used VIM keybindings”
I – Insert text at the beginning of a line
A – Append text at the end of a line
m – Set a mark (follow with a [a-z,A-Z,0-9])
– Call the mark you have set up (eg ‘v will jump to a particular place on a file, ie bookmark
The m and keys are very useful in vifm as I use the marks to remember locations in vifm).
Christmas is great, isn’t it? 🙂
46:07 There can be only one Irish Saying of the Podcast and that is “Nollaig shona duit” Happy Christmas to you!

The Binary Times – Series 2 Episode 12a

Series 2 Episode 12a – On this special edition of the Binary Times Podcast we have none other than Mr Noah Chelliah, host of the Ask Noah Show and commander in chief of Altispeed technologies. Its a always a pleasure to listen to the ideas and wisdom of Noah and this interview is no exception, take it away Noah…
In this special edition we talk to Noah Chelliah, previously of the Linux Action Show and now of Ask Noah Show fame.

Noah tells us a little about himself, how he implements free and open source software in organisations and how to sell this to either the executive board or small business leaders, how freeipa can be used to replace active directory while Wayne mentions the Linux Schools Project.
The conversation moves on to what excites Noah in the Linux World today (it’s Ubuntu 17.10) and then on to modern day security considerations and how convenience trumps security every time. We round out the conversation with a chat about Nextcloud and how fantastic it is now, before finishing off with the obligatory plugs towards Noah’s and our shows!

The Binary Times – Series 2 Episode 11

Series 2 Episode 11 – This fortnight we discuss another android operating system ROM, CopperheadOS, more from Mark on Chakra Linux, Wayne chats about rsync and another epic Irish saying, have a listen.
00:24 Wayne welcomes us to the penultimate, action packed Episode 11 of Season 2. It’s cold and dry, a nice combination!
01:45 Mark tells us he’s been busy with work and in between all that he’s been getting used to Chakra OS and reading the getting started documentation. The guys are also loving the new Firefox. Mark describes the tutorial and mentions the screenshot feature as a useful new tool and this leads to a conversation around shutter and mate-screenshot (source here). Addons and plugin deprecations get a mention and Mark tells us that his citrix receiver plugin is working on his current setup with Firefox 57, Unity 7 and Ubuntu 16.04.
08:28 Wayne tells us that he’s replaced his Samsung Galaxy S3 with a Nexus 5X running CopperheadOS. Wayne was tipped off to Copperhead OS by Bryan Lunduke. Mark tells us he’s still running the ubports Ubuntu Touch on his BQ and considers running Lineage 14.1 on his Nexus 4.
15:15 Wayne revives the beginner’s corner Ubunt MATE section of the podcast with some hints on how to change preferred applications. The application he changes by default is of course the text editor to vim. This is how it’s done:
Go to System Menu -> Control Center
In the Personal section select Preferred Applications
There you can change your default applications
Jump between the tabs there Internet / Multimedia / System / Office / Accessibility and change your default applications at will
This is what it is like in MATE 16.04
Mark adds some KDE tips on how to achieve the same thing but differently.
22:22 Mark tells us all about the Warlock of Firetop Mountain, a fantasy role playing game now available on Steam for Linux. He goes on to tell us in other things he’s been doing that NASA have a new science podcast and shares the news that a Unity 7 community is trying to become an official flavour of Ubuntu. Wayne tells us that operating systems and networking and the like provide him with all the puzzle solving satisfaction he needs so he doesn’t really play games anymore, despite being a fan of Elite and having played other games back in the day.
30:12 Wayne moves the conversation onto Android keyboards. He gives us these hints to expand the Android keyboard to a “full size” keyboard:
Go to the Settings app > Language > Input > Google Keyboard
Appearance & layouts > Custom input styles. Then touch the plus icon. Choose English (US) as the language and PC as the layout. Then touch Add.
Now launch the keyboard from an app. Hold down on the space bar to switch to your new creation, which will be labeled English (US) (PC).
Wayne got this tip from an article on greenbot.
33:47 Mark tells us about the FSF’s “Defective by Design” ethical technology giving guide.
35:15 Under the Hood – Wayne talks about rsync and what an amazing application it is. He quotes an article from Linux Voice, that much lamented magazine. Thanks guys for making the content free!

Mark’s simple under the hood relates to Chakra OS and how to keep the system updated, and it is: sudo pacman -Syu.
42:08 Irish saying of the podcast is “Tá sĂ© fuar”, or it is cold!

The Binary Times – Series 2 Episode 10

Series 2 Episode 10 – This fortnight we discuss installing Lineage OS, Mark tries out Chakra Linux, Wayne updates ddwrt on his routers, Firefox tips, Thunderbird tips, Installing from source and another epic Irish saying, have a listen.
00:24 Wayne welcomes us to a somewhat darker Series 2 Episode 10. Darker in that the guys have moved their recording time forward to Friday night! Wayne checks his body temperature to turn on the heat, Mark loves the rain, and Wayne misses it. Bristol’s so cool the sun shines even at night!
01:18 Wayne asks Mark what he’s been up to and Mark tells us his main desktop is back on Unity, he’s been having some Windows fun and he’s replaced Ubuntu 17.10 with Chakra Linux on his laptop. More on all this later.
01:50 Mark asks Wayne what he’s been up to and Wayne’s been doing so many things he’s afraid he’ll forget them all! He starts with telling us that he’s updated all his android devices to Lineage OS with fdroid only, which is a Free and Open Source application store for Android. No google apps have been installed in his new setup. When specific applications that Wayne needs aren’t in f-droid he goes to the application’s web site and downloads the .apk, wire being an example of this.
Mark admires many of the cool things Google does while lamenting the fact that these really cool things are being brought to us by a global for profit advertising corporation and not for the benefit of us all.
06:49 Wayne recants some fake news, correcting himself by saying that not all of his Galaxy products are on lineage as his Galaxy S 3 is still running CyanogenMod. Wayne asks our audience for any help or advice that they might have on getting his Galaxy S3 to work on Lineage OS. He goes on to tell us that he was considering buying a Nexus 5X, but didn’t, while Mark tells us his Nexus 4 is sitting on a shelf near him, on its second battery, no less, while the Xperia’s battery is too hard to replace.
09:32 Wayne continues to tell us what else he’s been up by informing us of his router firmware upgrades.
12.25 Mark tells us of his experience in downloading, installing and using Chakra Linux . Initially he praises the documentation and ease of install. He notes that after install the distribution upgrade was 417MB, but with that he now has KDE Plasma version 5.11.2, KDE Frameworks 5.39.0 while the kernel stayed the same at 4.12.4-1-CHAKRA. He goes on to tell us of the nice Chakra section and then tells us what applications come with the distribution while questioning some of the default packages. He admits that he’s used Chakra in the past and likes it but is always drawn back to Ubuntu for the variety of software. This leads into a conversation about various elements of software in different distributions. Mark is looking forward to talking to people in the Chakra community to find out why they chose the applications they chose, and he follows up with a quick explanation, in his own words, of what the Chakra distribution is, its history and what it is trying to achieve. Feedback welcome on this!
23:32 Wayne jumps in with more news on what he’s been doing to tell us that he’s replaced teamviewer with X2Go server. He’s really impressed with it. Mark talks a bit about his own experiences with teamviewer which leads into a bit of a discussion about remote support.
31:27 Mark tells us some more about his adventures with proprietary software. Nuff said!
32:54 Mark tells us that the binary times podcast is now on Distrowatch!
33:40 Mark talks about the fingbox, a newly available network security and troubleshooting tool. Despite Mark saying that the fingbox is only available to US and Canadian Amazon users, the fingbox is also on So excited are the guys with their “news for us” that Mark forgets what a “scoop” is called and Wayne are Mark are lost!
36:25 It must be time for Under the Hood! Wayne’s Under the Hood is this:
To mute tabs in Firefox, right click on a tab and select ‘mute tab’. This is useful to mute email notifications and any other audio coming out of any of your open tabs.
His second tip is to do with writing emails in Thunderbird. To change the default behaviour of going to a new paragraph when pressing enter to creating a new line, do this:
Click Edit Menu -> Preferences -> Composition -> General Tab ->
Uncheck Use paragraph format instead of body text format by default
This tip works for Thunderbird 52
Mark doesn’t use Thunderbird anymore as he uses Kolab Now and its web client for his email services
This brings the conversation around to the values of hosting your own applications versus using offsite providers. This gives Mark an opportunity to plug their Patreon Page.
44:20 Mark tells us about three commands that are essential to Free and Open Source Software:
./configure This command is used to check if you have everything needed to build the application from source code.
make This command compiles the source code and links whatever external libraries are required.
sudo make install This command installs the compiled sources into the appropriate parts of your system directories.
46:07 Wayne prompts Mark for the Irish Saying of the Podcast that he’s been saving for now, Mark replies with “dĂşn do bhĂ©al”, or shut your mouth! As good a way as any to finish the podcast!

The Binary Times – Series 2 Episode 9

Series 2 Episode 9 – This fortnight we discuss vi like command line file manager, vi keybindings in firefox, other web search options, the release of Ubuntu 17.10, Command Line Linux tools and another epic Irish saying, have a listen.
00:24 Wayne welcomes us to the long awaited Bumper Edition of Season 2 Episode 9 of the Binary Times, it’s something to look forward to! Between Halloween and the recent release of Ubuntu and flavours 17.10, there’s a lot to talk about!
02:01 Mark tells us that he’s been busy at work and moving his home office, so finally there’ll be no more talk of tidying the office (we hope!)
02:44 Wayne’s been doing quite a bit in the Linux world, so much he’s not sure where to start! vifm gets first mention, which Wayne likens to midnight commander. Mark thinks he’ll stick with midnight commander, but may give vifm a go. Wayne likes vifm over midnight commander because of the vi keybindings. Some links to go with this piece:
vifm info on tecmint
vifm manual
vifm colours
vifm quick start tutorial
Useful Keys

    ga - calculate the current highlighted directory size

    zo - show dot files

    zm - hide dot files

    e - explore selected file in current pane

    cW - Rename file (but not extension)

    cw - Rename entire file

    dd - Delete selected file

    p - copy deleted file in current location

    P - Move deleted file in current location 
    09:49 Wayne reads out some feedback from our listeners, this one from Maurizio about dd and progress status. Type the following to see the progress of the dd command:
    <span class="mono">dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/null count=1M status=progress</span>
     As well as this excellent advice, you can use the <a href="">pv</a> (pipe viewer?) command to achieve the same effect, a simple example of using pv is as follows:
    head -c 1M /dev/random | pv > /dev/null
    12:58 Wayne tells us about a "new" firefox plugin called <a href="">vimfx</a>, a legacy <a href="">firefox plugin</a>. It provides you with vim keybindings within Firefox. Links to addons compatible with firefox 57+ are given in the previous link. Wayne goes on to tell us that <a href="">firebug</a> has been replaced by <a href="">firefox's built in developer tools</a>. Mark wishes that citrix integration will be coming to Firefox... links for citrix are as follows:
    <a href="">Citrix receiver for Linux</a>
    <a href="">Citrix Ubuntu Community Help Wiki</a>
    20:12 Waynes reveals that he is no longer using <a href="">duckduckgo</a> and is now using <a href="">startpage</a>, labelled as "the world's most private search engine". Mark thinks <a href="">Yahoo may have been acquired by Verizon</a>.
    26:12 The guys talk about the 17.10 release of the various flavours of Ubuntu, namely <a href="">Ubuntu 17.10</a>, <a href="">Kubuntu 17.10</a> and <a href="">Ubuntu MATE 17.10</a>. In the totally off topic section Mark mentions that he might try a new release of <a href="">Chakra OS</a> to replace Ubuntu on his Thinkpad.
    50:35 Under the hood, Wayne says vifm is his under the hood, Mark mentions that rysnc has a progress option, --progress</p> 
    <p>51:47 Irish saying of the podcast is "OĂ­che Samhain ar fud an domhain" Halloween night around the world.

CCJam 58 – Cheryl Desereé

In episode 58 of CCJam, Kevie introduces the listeners to Cheryl Desereé. With influences from both traditional country music and swing Cheryl moved to Nashville to produce her debut self titled album.  She is currently working on her second album entitled “Half”, which is due to be released in 2018, you can support her through the GoFundMe page.  She is active on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Reverbnation and Instagram. Her music is available from Amazon, Itunes, Soundcloud and CD Baby.

A huge thanks to Cheryl Desereé for allowing her music to be played on CCJam. The tracks included on this episode are:

The post CCJam 58 – Cheryl Desereé appeared first on CCJam.

CCJam 57 – Axl & Arth

In episode 57 of CCJam, Yannick features the music of Swedish house music duo Axl & Arth.

They formed in the spring of 2015, getting their inspiration from old rock and modern day pop and house music. They have been working on an album that was to be published in late 2016, but unfortunately, they seem to have disappeared from the surface of the planet just before the release.
Find more of Axl & Arth’s music on their website which actually sends you to their soundcloud page.

The tracks included on this episode are:

The post CCJam 57 – Axl & Arth appeared first on CCJam.

The Binary Times – Series 2 Episode 8

Series 2 Episode 8 – This fortnight we have a special guest interview with Alex from the Steam based Open Source Community, using Ubuntu in the office, Librem 5, more MATE tips, Command Line Linux tools and another epic Irish saying, have a listen.
00:24 Wayne introduces Series 2 Episode 8 of the most Action Packed Binary Times so far from a murky Bristol while Mark regails us with tales of hurricanes and bad weather that has been and on the way. Fairly Action Packed so far!
02:46 Mark tells us he’s been doing bits and pieces with Ubuntu MATE and is quite excited about a discovery of his from yesterday, called KolibriOS, an OS written entirely in Assembler/FASM which he intends to install on an old pentium 3 machine he has lying around to play some old strategy games on. Minimum specs are just 8MB RAM and a couple MBs storage. Wow!
06:20 Wayne and Mark mention the interview they conducted with Alex / Squid that is to follow later in the show. Alex runs a community group on steam called Open-Source Community in which he promotes open source technologies and the guys talk to him about his method of doing so on a proprietary platform among other things.
07:00 Wayne tells us some more things about Ubuntu MATE and gives us all a tip to get rid of the broken battery message which is to run dconf-editor using synapse, go to org->mate->power-manager, uncheck notify-low-capacity. Annoying message gone and forgotten about, hurray!
09:19 Wayne describes how he installed Ubuntu MATE with Remmina, realmd, krb5-user and kerberos, software-properties-common, python-software-properties and packagekit. His main concerns were his email, access to networked storage drives and printing. He’s pleased to say the whole thing has been quite successful and not a terrible idea at all.
16:18 Wayne has purchased some maker books from a previous Humble Bundle and has this tip for us from the Linux for Makers book, which is this: when using sudo apt upgrade you don’t need to type y or Y, just hit the enter key and you’re done. It’s the small things that make the difference!
18:47 After Mark warns of potential dog barking, he tells us that the Librem 5 phone from Purism has been crowdfunded! This is great news for anyone who cares about their privacy while using a mobile device.
22:08 Wayne apologises for some down time on the binarytimes website. Mark suggests if more people would support on us on patreon then we could afford a high tech company to give us 99.99% uptime instead of self hosting.
23:39 Wayne introduces our interview with Alex / Squid in which we discuss all things open source. Alex mentions a number of cool opensource projects, including Zorin OS (you can find how Zorin OS is being used by the Italian city of Vicenza here), Reactos, an open source replacement for Windows and findx, an open source search engine that respects your privacy. Alex also mentions that another way to follow his open source travails besides his Steam Open-Source Community work is to check out his youtube channel. We hope you enjoy!
41:44 Under the Hood! Mark kicks it off with a discussion around moreutils, a “collection of the unix tools that nobody thought to write long ago when unix was young.” Quite a few interesting tools that are worth checking out.
45:06 Wayne asks Mark about iotop as a lead into his own Under the Hood, which is an epic Under the Hood, and that is sudo iftop, to monitor network traffic. How epic is that! [note: A really good article on iftop can be found in the Linux Journal
49:49 Irish saying of the podcast is Beidh muid ar ais – We will be back!

The Binary Times – Series 2 Episode 7

Series 2 Episode 7 – This fortnight we discuss incorporating Linux into MS Office environments, Ubuntu Mate for new users, how much there is to learn, Wire, Command Line Linux tools and another epic Irish saying, have a listen.
00:24 Wayne welcomes us to Season 2 Episode 7 of the binary times with the news that it’s slightly misty in Bristol (register mistybristol now!) while Mark informs us that it’s slightly more than misty in Kilkishen. It’s that time of year, you can expect another six months of this kind of chat at least!
01:34 Mark tells us that he’s finally managed to break his desktop PC OS as well as finding Ubuntu 17.10’s gnome interface slightly frustrating. Wayne tells us he sticks with one distro to avoid re-learning and has shelved Ansible at the moment for much the same reason. Mark goes on to tell us about some exciting events at the Ubuntu Hour in Ennis.
05:10 Wayne tells us he’s been tinkering away, researching command line bits and bobs and being inspired by Bryan Lunduke’s minimalist inclinations.
06:26 Wayne brings us onto our “So you’ve installed Ubuntu MATE, now what?” section by describing a new user’s experiences including queries regarding how to change settings and where to find these settings, as well as updating the system and liking Libre Office over Microsoft Office and the “always on top” feature. Mark and Wayne do a quick battle of the desktops with no clear winner. Wayne finishes by pondering the futility of the naming the calculator galculator in Ubuntu MATE and the unnecessary difficulty that will give to new users but surmises that other than that the changeover to linux has been a huge success. Wayne goes onto mention that his boss bought his son a Windows PC for college and Mark mentions how his son prefers Windows for gaming.
17:51 Mark reveals the shocking news that he won’t have fibre broadband til the end of 2018. Wayne reckons that’ll be just in time for us to have sorted out the podcast!
18:40 Mark has some tips for everybody! The first is to listen to the IRL podcast, an amazing podcast that Mozilla have created discussing real online issues and the future of the web. His second tip is the EFF’s Surveillance Self – Defense page, another wonderful resource for teaching you how to have safer online communications. Wayne needs to get onto the EFF website for the laptop stickers.
20:27 Wayne can use Office 365 on Linux!
21:00 Wayne goes on to tell us that he uses Virtualbox for testing images and the like and recently had some issues with FreeNAS not having enough space when running an update. He used vboxmanage to resize the virtual image like so:
vboxmanage modifyhd “FreeNas.vdi” –resize 6000 (6 GB)
See also this link to extend disk and file systems in virtual box for further information. Because the filesystem is ZFS it was not possible to use gparted etc. to expand the volume into the newly created space, Wayne’s looking into how to do that, using previous shownotes, aren’t they great!
25:26 Wayne is looking to upgrade his Windows work PC to Ubuntu. He needs to figure out how this will affect the way he works. The guys then discuss the tedium of licensing and the few applications that make it difficult to go fully open source, namely Active Directory, RDP and the most applied application throughout histroy, change.
34:15 Wayne announces that we use Wire to do the podcast and that the wire server code is now all open source.
35:19 The guys figure that it’s time for Under the Hood so Mark starts off with something that’s not particularly under the hood, but interesting and under the hoody none the less. Ubuntu Tutorials is a great place to find tutorials on all aspects of installing and running ubuntu.
36:43 Wayne starts with what flows though him and that’s administering linux systems:
man hier is a handy command to explain the linux file system hierarchy.
Wayne’s second under the hood tip is iotop, a simple top-like I/O monitor. To run it, simply type:
sudo iotop
43:45 Irish saying of the podcast is “An bhfuil tĂş rĂ©idh” Are you ready. Good lead in to this one!

The Binary Times – Series 2 Episode 6

Series 2 Episode 6 – Back to normal again and we discuss installing Ubuntu 17.10, Firefox education, Raspberry Pi SSH tips, Shut up Windows 10, Command Line Linux tools and another epic Irish saying, have a listen.
00:24 Wayne welcomes us to Season 2 Episode 6 of the binary times by telling us that he loves Autumnal weather. It’s cloudy in Bristol and cloudy, windy and raining in Kilkishen. Wayne informs Mark that clothes are available to keep the rain away and will send on some links on same. Podcast Gold!
02:49 Mark tells us that he’s installed Ubuntu 17.10 with the new default gnome desktop, and so far he thinks it’s not so bad. He also discusses ubuntu-restricted-extras and the microsoft true type core fonts which sparks a conversation around finding common ground between using free software and free software formats and proprietary software usage.
07:55 Based on Wayne’s slowly moving towards using more free software in his life, he decided to try Lineage OS 14.1 once more on his Samsung Galaxy S III without any google apps. It didn’t go well as the new os refused to recognise his sim, resulting in him going back to Cyanogenmod.
11:19 Wayne tells us that he’s completely moved over to using duckduckgo and he doesn’t miss google at all. Mark agrees and finds he doesn’t even have to use !g anymore.
12:41 Wayne continues on his freedom loving march by telling us that he’s replaced his Chromecasts with Kodi boxes running on Raspberry Pi Zero Ws and he can control them remotely from his phone using Kore. Mark admits to still using Netflix and Amazon Prime Video and other proprietary media formats using DRM and mentions the recent tragic events where EME has been accepted by the W3C.

17:18 Wayne talks about the hurdles you need to overcome to get into the Raspberry Pi, and tells us of a neat little image writer called etcher that makes it easy to write an image to the SD card without overwriting anything else by mistake. Mark reminds us of dcfldd and how it gives more visual cues towards the progress of the write than dd.
21:28 Wayne tells us about The guys love it, recommend it and love the mission statement.
24:36 Wayne shockingly provides a Windows 10 tip. ShutUp 10 is a little freeware tool that allows you to turn off windows 10 chatty features. Both agree that the OS will still be talking back to the mothership anyway, just not as much. Mark agrees that this is a good tip. Mark’s tip to shut up Windows 10 is to download Ubuntu or Ubuntu MATE, create a startup disk and replace Windows altogether.
27:44 Mark tells us about Firefox’s educational addons.
28:50 Mark talks about games for Ubuntu MATE and linux in general. He lists out several, starting with arcade type games:
Frozen Bubble – apparently responsible for Debian being late for a release!

SuperTuxKart – soon to be available on steam
First Person Shooters (FPS) would include:
Nexuiz Classic
Smokin Guns
Assault Cube
Alien Arena
Some strategy examples include:
Free Civ
The list goes on!
30:41 Mark talks about the Open Source Community on Steam, its owner and lauds his philosophy of promoting open source within proprietary communities.
31:54 Mark tells us that reddit is another way to find out more about open source gaming. Mark goes on to tell us that the Humble Bundle Store is currently giving away Outlast and admits to using Steam despite his freedom loving stance, currently playing Dreamfall Chapters and Shadow Warrior. He rationalizes it by telling us he does his gaming on Linux.
34:44 Mark has a strange start to Under the Hood where he tells us first how to maintain a stable system before going on to give us his tip for installing random packaged debs from the web and that is to use dpkg –contents randompackage.deb to see the contents of the deb package and to see where the contents will be installed. Mark goes on to mention getdeb as a place where he gets his games from.
39:42 Wayne’s under the hood is another controversial one and it is how to turn off the ssh default password enabled message. He has good reasons to do this, honest! So to remove the message, type the following into a terminal:
sudo mv /etc/profile.d/ /etc/profile.d/
Of course all the usual disclaimers apply.

43:45 Irish saying of the podcast is “Tá sĂ© ag cur báistĂ­” It is raining. Us Irish love talking about the weather!