Series 5 Episode 6 – This fortnight Mark talks about a great Humble Bundles and gives us an insight into his recent coding club, Wayne has introduced stage 2 of the implementation of the opensource SnipeIT asset management software, the discussion moves on to where to draw the line in the sand from an ethical IT standpoint , some great under the hood tips and another epic Irish saying. Enjoy.
00:24 Wayne welcomes us to Season 5 Episode 6 from a slightly overcast but warm Bristol, while Mark hails us from a weather warning beaten Kilkishen. Wayne has an idea to put SAD lights around a monitor bevel to help with Vitamin D deficiencies. Mark thinks their listeners will get on it straight away, keep an eye on CrowdSupply.
02:55 Mark tells us he’s been playing Doom and Hacknet for the last while. He installed Chocolate Doom and used the WAD to get fullscreen and had quite the enjoyable experience with it. He’s also gotten the latest Linux by Wiley Humble Bundle and has started reading the Assembly Language Step by Step: Programming with Linux 3rd Edition. Quite an interesting read so far, and a fantastic selection of books in the bundle.
Mark goes on to chat about the coding club that is happening in Kilkishen National School, and tells us a bit about some tech he came across there called Makey Makey. Mark’s really impressed with the kit.
Finally, Mark talks about Pi Day, and articles on about Pi Day
13:42 Wayne tells us that he’s at stage two of implementing Snipe IT at work. By using Snipe IT at work and introducing new features like QR coding he sees real benefits accruing to his organisation. This leads to a discussion around the benefits of Free and Open Source software to organisations.
24:23 Wayne thanks Al from the Admin Admin podcast for his help in sorting out his edge router and goes on to chat about the experience. Wayne goes on to thank Paul for some wireless access points and the guys chat about Maurizio’s link to frozentux’s iptables tutorial. Wayne mentions articles and videos linked here and here as good places to learn more about iptables.
31:07 Competition time! We got such a great response to the competition that we’re giving away all 5 Solokeys. The winners will be written to and will have their brand new Solokeys shortly, well done to everyone that won! Thanks also to everyone who entered, better luck next time! Wayne also mentions some feedback the guys received about the W3C and FIDO alliance finalizing Web Standards for Secure, Passwordless Logins, and Mark goes on to talk about Tim Berners Lee’s open letter on 30 years on, whats next #ForTheWeb?, which leads to a discussion around how we can all make the Web and the World a better place. Mark mentions Gizmodo’s Kashmir Hill’s articles on Life without the Tech Giants as a good and an eye opening read.
51:20 Under the Hood – Wayne tells us about the reader icon in Firefox and suggests a lot less clutter on the desktop. Mark mentions Firefox Send as a useful feature.
Mark’s under the hood comes about from an announcement on Steam’s Open Source Community’s regarding Ukuu. Mark suggests the Ubuntu Wiki’s Kernel Mainline Builds page as a good place to start if you wish to upgrade your kernel, but also recommends not doing so and to leave your choice of kernel to your distribution.
59:20 Irish Saying of the Podcast – “Lá fhéile Pádraig sona dhaoibh!” Happy Saint Patricks Day to you all, and we hope you enjoy listening to this podcast as much as we did making it!
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