The Binary Times – Series 6 Episode 2

Series 6 Episode 2 – Mark is excited to be going to the Dublin Maker Fair, hopefully more on this next episode, he also speaks of the decentralised web camp and sysadmin day, Wayne updates us on the SnipeIT asset management implementation at work alongside number tips to use linux more efficiently, more under the hood tips and another epic Irish saying. Enjoy.

00:24 Wayne welcomes us to Episode 2 of Season 6 from a cloudy but sunny Bristol. A slightly stressed Mark tells us it’s only kind of raining in Kilkishen and looks to stay that way til Monday. Dublin looks to be not as rainy and he’s hoping it will stay that way since he and his family are heading to the Dublin Maker Fair. Mark goes on to tell us that Irish Rail’s family tickets are very reasonable and incredible value for families. The guys discuss Mark’s exploding head of ideas and blissful holidays.

04:51 Mark tells us that he’s upgraded his openSuse 15.0 Leap instance to 15.1 using a guide he found. He tells us he’s considering changing to openSuse Leap on his main desktop, much to Wayne’s consternation.

Mark goes on to tell us about a couple of things happening now or soon, the first being the Decentralized Web Camp happening near San Francisco at the moment, brought to us by our friends at the Internet Archive. Mark says he will put a link in the show notes to some of the videos that are available from previous Decentralized web summits.

Mark also wants to mention that Sysadmin Day 2019 is happening next Friday, 26th July.

12:01 Mark asks Wayne what he’s been at. Wayne tells us it’s all a bit foggy. <a href=”>Snipe-IT being used full time at work, the users like it and the software is meeting their needs. In fact it’s way more useful than what they were using before. Wayne goes through some networking hoops he had to go through with it. He has some usability feature requests he might ask of the Snipe-it people on their forum. Wayne’s quite pleased with his back up stratgy which includes OneDrive and Rclone. The guys discuss the benefits of using Open Source Software.

18:24 Wayne tells us some more about his journey with Ubuntu Touch and relates some of the privacy features of the OS. In Ubuntu Touch you can open as many apps as you like at the same time but ‘open’ does not mean the same as it does with other operating systems. With Ubuntu Touch’s competitors, apps which are running in the background typically are able to monitor – some would call it spy on – the activity in the app which you are using. In Ubuntu Touch, apps running in the background (with a few exceptions) use no resources and there is a system in place to confine apps so that they are unable to see what other apps are doing. This is usually called ‘sandboxing’ and it is basic to the way that Ubuntu Touch works. It is not an afterthought but safeguard of privacy. The guys discuss openness, transparency, wishes for more development and core devs in Ubuntu Touch, especially around NextCloud. Mark suggests supporting them via Patreon and also suggests watching Frank Karlitschek’s talk from this year’s openSuse Conference. Wayne talks about Pico CMS.

31:25 Not under the Hood! Wayne tells us about ffmpeg. Wayne provides some examples, as follows:

ffmpeg -ss 00:00:30.0 -i input.wmv -c copy -t 00:00:10.0 output.wmv


-ss : the start time hourminssec

-i : the input file name, ie the master video file

-c : make a copy

-t : the duration of the video to be cut

You can use -to instead of -t to specify the timestamp to which you want to cut. So, instead of ffmpeg -i [input] -ss 30 -t 10 you could also do ffmpeg -i [input] -ss 30 -to 40 to achieve the same thing.

Joining video files (need to be converted into a suitable format for concatenation first) can be done as follows:

ffmpeg -i input1.avi -qscale:v 1 intermediate1.mpg

ffmpeg -i input2.avi -qscale:v 1 intermediate2.mpg

cat intermediate1.mpg intermediate2.mpg > intermediate_all.mpg

ffmpeg -i intermediate_all.mpg -qscale:v 2 output.avi

Wayne tells us that Winff is a gui frontend for ffmpeg, and is as easy to install as typing sudo apt install winff from the command line in Ubuntu. The guys talk a bit about Kdenlive as well.

39:34 Wayne talks about Windows licensing and the guys ponder why businesses use Windows

42:25 Under the Hood – Jon the Nice Guy Spriggs has suggested Language Tool as an open source alternative to Grammarly. Ben suggested Barrier, a Synergy clone, which are applications to share your mouse and keyboard with other computers.

Wayne suggests using dpkg -l from the terminal to list the packages you have installed on your system, assuming you’re using a Debian based distribution.

Feeling the need to double up on Under the Hood, Wayne talks about fslint

49:01 Irish saying of the podcast – Oscail an fhuinneog, or Open the Window

We hope you enjoy this as much as we did making it!

#573 – Rebellion rebellion?

This week on The Bugcast: Cara chickens out from announcing a song, Caroline goes into a rant about Extinction Rebellion, and we play some amazing Creative Commons music!

Songs played

Intro: <a href="">Chris Juergensen</a> – Bug Lips<br />
Outro: <a href="">Mark Marshall</a> – Man Walking


Evening Standard: <a href="">Extinction Rebellion Bristol Death</a>

<strong>Contribute</strong>: We need jingles and bumpers, <a href="">here’s how</a>.<br />
<strong>Let us know</strong>: How would people feel if we relaxed our posture on “clean” music only?

Upcoming events

<strong><a href="">Podcrawl Glasgow 2019</a></strong><br />
Saturday 27 July from 18:00 at the State Bar, Holland Street, Glasgow

<strong><a href="">OggCamp 2019</a></strong><br />
Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 October in Manchester – <strong>Tickets now available!</strong>


  • Please leave us feedback on the music or any of the topics that we’ve discussed.
  • The next live show will be episode 574 which will be hopefully streamed live in the chatroom by oztunan on Friday 26 July 2019 at 21:30-ish UK time (BST/GDT/UTC+1).
  • Join us during the week on our Telegram group chat – click here to join
    (you’ll need a Telegram account)

Special thanks go to

Our <a href="">supporters</a>!<br />
The artists for allowing us to play their music.<br />
Everyone who joined us in the chat room for the live broadcast of this show.<br />
<a href="">Internet Archive</a> for hosting the media files<br />
<a href="">Euterpia Radio</a> for the use of their Shoutcast server

The Bugcast is a proud founder member of the Otherside Podcast Network

The post #573 – Rebellion rebellion? appeared first on The Bugcast.

#572 – Contemptible

This week on The Bugcast: Cara gets an award, Caroline goes gluten-free, Tommy does porridge, and we play some Creative Commons music!

Songs played

Intro: <a href="">Chris Juergensen</a> – Bug Lips<br />
Outro: <a href="">Mark Marshall</a> – Man Walking


Cara wins a sports award<br />
Caroline goes <a href="">gluten free</a><br />
The Independent: <a href="">Tommy Robinson case</a>

<strong>Contribute</strong>: We need jingles and bumpers, <a href="">here’s how</a>.<br />
<strong>Let us know</strong>: How would people feel if we relaxed our posture on “clean” music only?

Upcoming events

<strong><a href="">Podcrawl Glasgow 2019</a></strong><br />
Saturday 27 July from 18:00 at the State Bar, Holland Street, Glasgow

<strong><a href="">OggCamp 2019</a></strong><br />
Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 October in Manchester – <strong>Tickets now available!</strong>


  • Please leave us feedback on the music or any of the topics that we’ve discussed.
  • The next live show will be episode 573 which will be streamed live in the chatroom on Friday 19 July 2019 at 21:30-ish UK time (BST/GDT/UTC+1).
  • Join us during the week on our Telegram group chat – click here to join
    (you’ll need a Telegram account)

Special thanks go to

Our <a href="">supporters</a>!<br />
The artists for allowing us to play their music.<br />
Everyone who joined us in the chat room for the live broadcast of this show.<br />
<a href="">Internet Archive</a> for hosting the media files<br />
<a href="">Euterpia Radio</a> for the use of their Shoutcast server

The Bugcast is a proud founder member of the Otherside Podcast Network

The post #572 – Contemptible appeared first on The Bugcast.

TuxJam 75 – Beer goggles

The usual geekoloid trio are back – Kevie, Dave (ask thelovebug) and Andrew (aka mcnalu) – riding a raft of free and open source goodness on the white waters of Creative Commons licensed tunes.

As usual we scour for recent and less well-known distro releases and then go on to recount our experiences with AVLinux which specialises in audio and video production. We had intended to review a distro named after a beer but the only one we found was Stella and we had zero luck with it. (TBH, us real ale quaffing snobs find it hard to get on with Stella Artois the drink.)

And if you can make it to Glasgow on the last Saturday of July, we would be delighted to welcome you to this year’s Podcrawl Glasgow. If you cannot make it in person, why not drink along with us and join in our live review of a beer app called Bierverkostung (it’s German for Beer Tasting – might it literally mean beer works tongue?). More details in due course.

Creative Commons and other tracks played in this episode:

The post TuxJam 75 – Beer goggles appeared first on TuxJam.

The Binary Times – Series 6 Episode 1

Series 6 Episode 1 – The guys kick off another season chatting about installing Linux on family computers, mastering markdown, Wayne gives more updates on using Ubuntu Touch as a daily driver, more under the hood tips and another epic Irish saying. Enjoy.

00:24 Wayne introduces us to the first audiocast episode of Series 6! It’s too hot in Bristol and it’s misty and overcast in Kilkishen.

04:00 Mark announces The Open Source Community on Steam’s Open Source Community You Tube Channel and their announcement video. They plan to feature the Open Source Community’s Edition of the Binary Times Audiocast, so there’s even more ways now to consume our content!

05:50 Mark tells us what he’s been up to for the last two weeks, and it’s not been contemplating the meaning of life. He tells us that instead he’s been contemplating the meaning of markdown, with the help of Mastering Markdown, [3 Reasons Why Everyone Needs to Learn Markdown][05], the Markdown project homepageand one of Github’s many guides, This leads to a discussion around the benefits of markdown.

11:01 Mark tells us he’s been listening to the Mintcast podcast lately due to a listener’s recommendation, and he’s been enjoying the good content.

13:51 Mark goes on to tell us that he’s started back into duolingo.

15:02 Mark tells us about

19:49 Mark goes on to tell us that his daughter is now using Ubuntu MATE and loving it, he sings the praises of the welcome screen and congratulates all those involved in making the distro happen!

22:27 Wayne tells us he’s been stealing Nextcloud tips from other podcasters. Useful utilities in Next Cloud’s App Store are AppOrder, Right click, and Text

23:40 Wayne goes on to speak about Ubuntu Touch. Wayne gives a shout out for Mateo Salta and all the hard work he’s putting into updating apps. Wayne mentions Solitaire, UBports NetWalk and Network Scanner. Wayne goes on to tell us that he’s been on ubuntu touch now for six weeks and is really enjoying it while moving in the right direction. Mark briefly mentions KOreader as a possible ebook and pdfreader. Wayne goes on to tell us that he’s changed from the pdf format to epub.

31:06 Wayne admires the consistency of gestures in the apps of Ubuntu Touch.

32:15 Wayne relates some of the chat going on in the UBports Supergroup on Telegram, and it goes as follows:

Q: Do I still have the stock recovery running underneath UBports? Is there an Android layer running underneath UBports?

A: The recovery is replaced with a custom one. the bootloader is standard android bootloader though; and we run some small parts of Android in a container, as it’s required to get the hardware to work

Q: Nice. So it’s literally just enough of an Android custom bootloader to kick things off, and after that everything is FOSS? (apart from the binaries needed to interface with the hardware, of course)

Q: I did not understand it. Does ubuntu touch need some remaining android stuff/drivers/anything? Or does the ubports installer remove android completely

A: No, an Android container is run to work with Android services and drivers. It’s minimal, but it is Android built from Android source.

Mark steers the conversation towards the Librem 5 and the Pinephone.

37:52 Wayne brings it back around to interface tips on Ubuntu Touch. They both recommend the UT Tweak tool. Wayne also tells us how to take a screenshot, and that is hold down the volume up and volume down keys simultaneously.

42:00 Wayne tells us how he used diff to resolve a situation at work. He goes on to tell us about his Windows 7 and Office 2010 woes at work. His suggestion to move to Linux did not provoke the reaction he expected. Wayne is wondering what remote desktop server is available in Linux. Wayne gives the phrase ‘If I replace Outlook, there would be Outcry!’ to Microsoft.

55:20 Pondering where time goes, the guys kick off Under the Hood

Mark’s Under the Hood is related to Libre Office. In Libre Office, if you point at a button with drop down options in the standard tool bar menu and click and hold the left mouse button, you will see all the options.

Wayne’s under the hood tip is related to Reader View in Firefox. To activate this, hold down Ctrl+Alt+R and you will be in reader view.

59:10 Irish saying of the Podcast: Táim an fear or I am the man!

We hope you enjoy the podcast as much as we did making it!

#571 – Deal with it

This week on The Bugcast: In a mostly music show, we also mention the passing of a legendary pundit alongside our usual mix of fantastic Creative Commons music!

Songs played

Intro: <a href="">Chris Juergensen</a> – Bug Lips<br />
Outro: <a href="">Mark Marshall</a> – Man Walking


BBC News: <a href="">Obituary: Racing pundit John McCririck</a><br />
Happy birhtday Lainey

<strong>Contribute</strong>: We need jingles and bumpers, <a href="">here’s how</a>.<br />
<strong>Let us know</strong>: How would people feel if we relaxed our posture on “clean” music only?

Upcoming events

<strong><a href="">Podcrawl Glasgow 2019</a></strong><br />
Saturday 27 July from 18:00 at the State Bar, Holland Street, Glasgow

<strong><a href="">OggCamp 2019</a></strong><br />
Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 October in Manchester – <strong>Tickets now available!</strong>


  • Please leave us feedback on the music or any of the topics that we’ve discussed.
  • The next live show will be episode 572 which will be streamed live in the chatroom on Friday 12 July 2019 at 21:30-ish UK time (BST/GDT/UTC+1).
  • Join us during the week on our Telegram group chat – click here to join
    (you’ll need a Telegram account)

Podcasts mentioned

<a href="">Never A Straight Answer</a>

Special thanks go to

Our <a href="">supporters</a>!<br />
The artists for allowing us to play their music.<br />
Everyone who joined us in the chat room for the live broadcast of this show.<br />
<a href="">Internet Archive</a> for hosting the media files<br />
<a href="">Euterpia Radio</a> for the use of their Shoutcast server

The Bugcast is a proud founder member of the Otherside Podcast Network

The post #571 – Deal with it appeared first on The Bugcast.

#570 – Hemifacial spasm

This week on The Bugcast: Caroline ends up in the wrong place, Dave has involuntary spasms, and we play some fantastic Creative Commons music!

Songs played

Intro: <a href="">Chris Juergensen</a> – Bug Lips<br />
Outro: <a href="">Mark Marshall</a> – Man Walking


Moo takes a wrong turn<br />
Wikipedia: <a href="">Hemifacial spasm</a>

<strong>Contribute</strong>: We need jingles and bumpers, <a href="">here’s how</a>.<br />
<strong>Let us know</strong>: How would people feel if we relaxed our posture on “clean” music only?

Upcoming events

<strong><a href="">Podcrawl Glasgow 2019</a></strong><br />
Saturday 27 July from 18:00 at the State Bar, Holland Street, Glasgow

<strong><a href="">OggCamp 2019</a></strong><br />
Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 October in Manchester – <strong>Tickets now available!</strong>


  • Please leave us feedback on the music or any of the topics that we’ve discussed.
  • The next live show will be episode 571 which will be streamed live in the chatroom on Friday 5 July 2019 at 21:30-ish UK time (BST/GDT/UTC+1).
  • Join us during the week on our Telegram group chat – click here to join
    (you’ll need a Telegram account)

Special thanks go to

Our <a href="">supporters</a>!<br />
The artists for allowing us to play their music.<br />
Everyone who joined us in the chat room for the live broadcast of this show.<br />
<a href="">Internet Archive</a> for hosting the media files<br />
<a href="">Euterpia Radio</a> for the use of their Shoutcast server

The Bugcast is a proud founder member of the Otherside Podcast Network

The post #570 – Hemifacial spasm appeared first on The Bugcast.

Duffercast 16 – Carehome California

This is not a Christmas episode and might have been recorded or published in the summer. Not present are Yannick, Paul, Gavin and indeed every other human (and alien) excepting Mikael, Dave and Andrew. We covered all the right notes, but not necessarily in the right order: Opening statement: License notice. Music (sprinkled liberally throughout) …


The post Duffercast 16 – Carehome California appeared first on The Duffercast.

The Binary Times – Series 5 Episode 12a

Series 5 Episode 12a – This is the special episode to finish off the season, Mark has been playing with SonicPi, this starts a very rounabout conversation, Wayne gives more updates on using Ubuntu Touch and the community, more under the hood tips and another epic Irish saying. Enjoy.

00:24 Wayne introduces the Summer Solstice Special Episode of Season 5. It’s terribly sunny in Bristol, and Kilkishen is overcast, perfect weather for hillwalking.

03:30 Mark tells us about his huge big plans for the Special Episode, which he didn’t actually pull off. He tells us about Sonic Pi, a live music creation application created by Sam Aaron, and recommends everyone watch the talk he gave at TEDx Newcastle. This leads to a general discussion around everyone learning to programme, sysadmin bits and the software we use and why we use it.

28:23 Wayne gives us an Ubuntu Touch update. He’s been on UT now for a month and is enjoying it. He finds reading pdfs a bit laborious. He’s installed Libertine on his phone, an application that allows you to run standard desktop applications on Ubuntu Touch. He’s used this to install Aisleriot and Etherwake. Mark asks a question about Scopes. Wayne provides a link to Libertine documentation. Wayne goes on to tell us about some of the amazing chat taking place on the UBports Telegram Supergroup. One of its members, Mateo Salta created Wake It!Fork, an application to send wake-on-LAN messages. Wayne is using that now instead of Etherwake through Libertine. Thanks to Mateo Salta! Wayne tells us that the Binary Times was mentioned on the Ubuntu Touch Q&A 52 audiocast

43:04 Wayne tells us that this is the last episode that we will be using feedburner, please resubscribe! Our Audiocast has been liberated!

45:22 Wayne tells us that he’s set up ssh on his Ubuntu Touch phone. The guys discuss theming also.

47:52 Wayne talks about the promo video on omgubuntu for the Pinebook Pro, and provides some of the specs

50:33 Under the Hood – Mark’s under the hood is a shout out for Dublin Maker Day on 20th July

52:30 Wayne tells us a bit about the NextCloud Music app. Wayne also tells us about, a great guide to the GPIO pinouts on a Raspberry Pi.

56:35 Irish saying of the episode:

“An tí a bhíonn súlach

Bíonn sé scéalach.”

We hope you enjoy this as much as we did making it!

#569 – Holy cow!

This week on The Bugcast: we discuss UK politics (again!), Dave gets chased by cows, we read your feedback, and we play some great Creative Commons music!

Songs played

Intro: <a href="">Chris Juergensen</a> – Bug Lips<br />
Outro: <a href="">Mark Marshall</a> – Man Walking


BBC News: <a href="">Tory leadership: Stage set for Johnson v Hunt</a><br />
Wikipedia: <a href="">Annunziata Rees-Mogg</a><br />
YouGov on Twitter: <a href="">Latest Westminster voting intention</a><br />
The Hill: <a href="">Conservative British politician suspended after video shows him grabbing female climate protester by neck</a><br />
Feedback from <a href="">Lance via Facebook</a><br />
Feedback from Deborah via email<br />
Dave’s “The Cows” experience<br />
Huge thanks to everyone who followed/mentioned/retweet us on <a href="">Twitter</a> this week

<strong>Contribute</strong>: We need jingles and bumpers, <a href="">here’s how</a>.<br />
<strong>Let us know</strong>: How would people feel if we relaxed our posture on “clean” music only?

Upcoming events

<strong><a href="">Podcrawl Glasgow 2019</a></strong><br />
Saturday 27 July from 18:00 at the State Bar, Holland Street, Glasgow

<strong><a href="">OggCamp 2019</a></strong><br />
Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 October in Manchester – <strong>Tickets now available!</strong>


  • Please leave us feedback on the music or any of the topics that we’ve discussed.
  • The next live show will be episode 570 which will be streamed live in the chatroom on Friday 28 June 2019 at 21:30-ish UK time (BST/GDT/UTC+1).
  • Join us during the week on our Telegram group chat – click here to join
    (you’ll need a Telegram account)

Podcasts mentioned

<a href="">Killer Rabbit Podcast</a>

Special thanks go to

Our <a href="">supporters</a>!<br />
The artists for allowing us to play their music.<br />
Everyone who joined us in the chat room for the live broadcast of this show.<br />
<a href="">Internet Archive</a> for hosting the media files<br />
<a href="">Euterpia Radio</a> for the use of their Shoutcast server

The Bugcast is a proud founder member of the Otherside Podcast Network

The post #569 – Holy cow! appeared first on The Bugcast.