#587 – You rang?

This week on The Bugcast: we talk about what we’ve been up to over the past week, and sprinkle a little politics over the top, plus some amazing Creative Commons music!

Songs played

Intro: <a href="http://chrisjuergensen.com/">Chris Juergensen</a> – Bug Lips<br />
Outro: <a href="http://markmarshall.com/">Mark Marshall</a> – Man Walking


British politics<br />
National Trust: <a href="https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/wentworth-castle-gardens">Wentworth Castle Gardens</a><br />
IMDb: <a href="https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6324278/">Abominable (2019)</a><br />
IMDb: <a href="https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1620981/">The Addams Family (2019)</a><br />
BBC News: <a href="https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-50261024">Fitbit snapped up by Google in $2.1bn deal</a>

<strong>Contribute</strong>: We need jingles and bumpers, <a href="https://thebugcast.org/audio">here’s how</a>.<br />
<strong>Let us know</strong>: How would people feel if we relaxed our posture on “clean” music only?


Upcoming events



  • Please leave us feedback on the music or any of the topics that we’ve discussed.
  • The next live show will be episode 588 which will be streamed live in the chatroom on Friday 8 November 2019 at 21:30-ish UK time (GMT/UTC).
  • Join us during the week on our Telegram group chat – click here to join
    (you’ll need a Telegram account)


Podcasts mentioned


Special thanks go to

Our <a href="https://thebugcast.org/support">supporters</a>!<br />
The artists for allowing us to play their music.<br />
Everyone who joined us in the chat room for the live broadcast of this show.<br />
<a href="https://archive.org/">Internet Archive</a> for hosting the media files<br />
<a href="https://euterpiaradio.ch/">Euterpia Radio</a> for the use of their Shoutcast server

The Bugcast is a proud founder member of the Otherside Podcast Network

The post #587 – You rang? appeared first on The Bugcast.

Duffercast 17 – Bleeding Nipples

A grease nipple is depicted in our cover image. Please see the internet for pictures of bleeding nipples. Please be aware that the hosts of this show – Caroline (moosical), Andrew (mcnalu), Dave (thelovebug), Yannick (frenchguych), Gavin (chalkahlom) – cannot be held responsible for anything they say in this episode. All statements are purely fictional …


The post Duffercast 17 – Bleeding Nipples appeared first on The Duffercast.

Observer Effect

Observer Effect
Observer Effect

In this episode, Dave and Yannick review Observer Effect, the 11th episode of the 4th season of Star Trek Enterprise. After that, they talk about Patreon and Youtube, and then go over some news items.

Call to action

If you like the show as much as we like to do it, then maybe you would like to help us and support us financially. Check out out support page for more information !

We also have a YouTube channel, where we put an audiogram version of our show, if that’s the way you consume podcasts.

In this episode


Once again, huge thanks to Nate for joining us on last week’s episode. And thanks to all our listeners, we are very grateful you chose to spend a little bit of your precious time to listen to our show !


The review featured in this episode is a modified version of the work done by the team at Memory Alpha and is released under a CC-BY-NC licence, which means you can use it, transform it, and redistribute it as long as you give appropriate credits to us and Memory Alpha, and you don’t use it for commercial business.

The rest of this episode is released under a CC-BY-SA licence, which means you can do pretty much whatever you want with it, as long as you credit us as the original authors, and if you publish something based on this episode, you have to release it under the same license.

The post Observer Effect appeared first on Tea, Earl Grey, Hot !.

The Binary Times – Series 6 Episode 9

Series 6 Episode 9 – In this episode Mark and Wayne try to install and test some distros but both of them fail, we chat about open document standards and does anyone care, Wayne tries Ubuntu MATE on the Raspberry Pi 3B+ and Mark runs Raspbian on the Raspberry Pi 4, more under the hood tips and another epic Irish saying. Enjoy.

00:24 Wayne welcomes us to Episode 9 of Series 6, our Halloween show. The weather is turning properly autumnal, and Wayne loves this kind of weather. It seems Mark loves all types of weather, except the really cold and wet stuff.

02:48 Mark tells us what he’s been at. He tells us about a Mozilla website called youtube regrets in which they’ve gathered peoples’ stories about rabbit holes they wished they’d never gone down on you tube. This leads to a discussion around the effectiveness of AI algorithms. To follow, Mark tells us about some videos on Youtube by LibreOffice and found the Meet the Engineering Steering Committee video of interest. Wayne tells us he uses Invidio.us instead of Youtube these days. The fact that invidio has a dark mode reminds Wayne of a darkmode extension for Firefox that Michael Tunnell mentioned previously. Mark is reminded of Terminator Genisys and how our over-dependence on mobile devices spells our doom. This moves the conversation onto privacy issues and the software we use and Wayne brings up what Graham said on Late Night Linux about how Open Software isn’t quite as good as Industry standard software yet, and how it is still so important to maintain your skills in industry standard software. Mark had hoped that the European Union’s Open Data would have changed the formats and software that we use, but that hasn’t happened yet, though the guys talk about open formats for a bit. The conversation moves on to the portability that Office 365 brings and Mark reminds everyone that he has that functionality with Kolabnow

24:44 Wayne brings the lyrical waxing to an end by asking Mark what else he’s been at. Mark tells us he’s recently picked up a Raspberry Pi 4 with an acrylic case from geekpi. Mark thinks it’s definitely a step up from a Raspberry Pi and the case ensures he doesn’t burn himself. Wayne tells us that he tried Ubuntu MATE on a Raspberry Pi 3b and found it pretty unusable. He goes on to suggest that it could be due to the SD Card he uses, so he’s ordered what was recommended on the Ubuntu MATE site and will report back when he’s had a chance to give it a go.

32:57 Mark talks about Elive. They have a new beta released, so he said he’d download it and give it a go. Unfortunately it didn’t go well and he was unable to install. Since this happened the night before recording, he’s hoping to have another go and report back.

36:58 Wayne tells us about his experience with MXLinux and that didn’t go well either. He had problems with how he uses Multiboot USB. He thinks it may be that MXLinux and the likes of Bunsenlabs need their installer to be run from CD. So neither of the guys were able to accomplish their production meeting goals, so much for production meetings, though Wayne has created a video of his thoughts on MXLinux on a Virtual Machine.

44:59 Mark changes the topic of conversation by talking about Slimbook’s collaboration with the PowerPC Laptop. Mark noticed that the desktop shown in the presentation video was MATE.

50:44 Under the Hood: Wayne’s been running Thunderbird for a long time now, and lately he’s noticed he’s been getting more spam. To try and tackle it, he’s provided a two links to filter spam in Thunderbird. He also mentions his 4GB log file for JACK, which he had to get rid of, so if you’re using JACK make sure and keep an eye on your logs.

Mark makes a hash of describing crypt!

54:35 Irish saying of the show is “Freagramid na ceisteanna” or we answer the questions!

We hope you enjoy the show as much as we did making it!



In this episode, Dave and Yannick have a guest : Nathan Wolf, a.k.a. CubicleNate. They review Daedalus, the 10th episode of the 4th season of Star Trek Enterprise. After that, they have a chat with Nathan about his relationship to Star Trek, and finally they go over the seven questions to the guest.

Call to action

Do you want to host the show with us ? Send us an email, join us on telegram, or contact us on the social networks !

In this episode


You can reach us through the following channels:

  • Via email, at feedback@teaearlgreyhot.org ;
  • Via the contact form on this site ;
  • On Twitter, Facebook, Telegram and Mastodon, we are @teghpodcast everywhere !


The review featured in this episode is a modified version of the work done by the team at Memory Alpha and is released under a CC-BY-NC licence, which means you can use it, transform it, and redistribute it as long as you give appropriate credits to us and Memory Alpha, and you don’t use it for commercial business.

The rest of this episode is released under a CC-BY-SA licence, which means you can do pretty much whatever you want with it, as long as you credit us as the original authors, and if you publish something based on this episode, you have to release it under the same license.

The post Daedalus appeared first on Tea, Earl Grey, Hot !.

#586 – Post OggCamp

This week on The Bugcast: we reveal what happened with last week’s show, we review OggCamp and segue into a discussion on data freedoms, and we play some amazing Creative Commons music!

Songs played

Intro: <a href="http://chrisjuergensen.com/">Chris Juergensen</a> – Bug Lips<br />
Outro: <a href="http://markmarshall.com/">Mark Marshall</a> – Man Walking


Apologies for last week’s show, severe technical issues<br />
<a href="https://duffercast.org/">Duffercast</a> – new episode arriving soon, with new Duffer(ette)<br />
<a href="https://oggcamp.org/">OggCamp ’19</a> – elevator review<br />
Conversation about data freedom<br />
<a href="https://gimletmedia.com/shows/reply-all/z3hlwr">Reply All #109</a> – Is Facebook spying on you?<br />
<a href="https://openrightsgroup.org/">Open Rights Group</a><br />
Let’s put this to bed

<strong>Don’t forget the clocks go back in the UK and Europe this weekend!</strong>

<strong>Contribute</strong>: We need jingles and bumpers, <a href="https://thebugcast.org/audio">here’s how</a>.<br />
<strong>Let us know</strong>: How would people feel if we relaxed our posture on “clean” music only?


Upcoming events



  • Please leave us feedback on the music or any of the topics that we’ve discussed.
  • The next live show will be episode 587 which will be streamed live in the chatroom on Friday 1 November 2019 at 21:30-ish UK time (GMT/UTC).
  • Join us during the week on our Telegram group chat – click here to join
    (you’ll need a Telegram account)

Podcasts mentioned

<a href="https://duffercast.org/">Duffercast</a><br />
<a href="http://replyall.limo/">Reply All</a>

Special thanks go to

Our <a href="https://thebugcast.org/support">supporters</a>!<br />
The artists for allowing us to play their music.<br />
Everyone who joined us in the chat room for the live broadcast of this show.<br />
<a href="https://archive.org/">Internet Archive</a> for hosting the media files<br />
<a href="https://euterpiaradio.ch/">Euterpia Radio</a> for the use of their Shoutcast server

The Bugcast is a proud founder member of the Otherside Podcast Network

The post #586 – Post OggCamp appeared first on The Bugcast.


In this episode, Dave and Yannick review Kir’Shara, the 9th episode of the 4th season of Star Trek Enterprise. After that, they go over some news items.

Call to action

A few episodes ago, we’ve asked for you “Because of Star Trek” stories. Please send those to us, we’d love to read them and maybe talk about them on the show ! See below for ways to get in touch with us.

In this episode


Thanks to everyone for downloading the show. Our podcast can be found on Stitcher, Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, and everywhere good podcasts are.

If you are so inclined, leave us a nice review in your podcast app, that doesn’t help a bit with the ranking but that sure will makes us happy !

Also, help us spread the word about our existence by painting the name of our show on the door of your car, that will help a lot ! And make sure to send us a photograph of that !


The review featured in this episode is a modified version of the work done by the team at Memory Alpha and is released under a CC-BY-NC licence, which means you can use it, transform it, and redistribute it as long as you give appropriate credits to us and Memory Alpha, and you don’t use it for commercial business.

The rest of this episode is released under a CC-BY-SA licence, which means you can do pretty much whatever you want with it, as long as you credit us as the original authors, and if you publish something based on this episode, you have to release it under the same license.

The post Kir’Shara appeared first on Tea, Earl Grey, Hot !.

CCJam 64 – The Devil Music Company

In episode 64 of CCJam, Dave features the music of the US rock band The Devil Music Company.

Please note, there is some strong language in the first track in this episode.

The Devil Music Company is a rock & roll collective based out of Hattiesburg, Mississippi, Nashville, Tennessee, and Los Angeles, California.

You can download The Devil Music Company’s music from Spotify, Apple Music, Bandcamp, Jamendo, and pretty much anywhere else you can buy and download music.

And of course you can find them over on their Facebook page and their official website.

The tracks included on this episode are:

The post CCJam 64 – The Devil Music Company appeared first on CCJam.


In this episode, Dave and Yannick are joined by Ro Cutler, host of Dark Compass, a hard rock and metal podcast which has been running since 2004, making it one of the longest running podcasts from the UK. All three of them review Awakening, episode 8 of season 4 of Star Trek Enterprise. Then the team discuss the latest Picard trailer. Finally, Dave subjects Ro to the Quick Fire Round.

Call to action

Ro was the first of our special guests to invite himself onto the show with us. Would you like to be the second?

In this episode


You can reach us through the following channels:

  • Via email, at feedback@teaearlgreyhot.org ;
  • Via the contact form on this site ;
  • On Twitter, Facebook, Telegram and Mastodon, we are @teghpodcast everywhere !


The review featured in this episode is a modified version of the work done by the team at Memory Alpha and is released under a CC-BY-NC licence, which means you can use it, transform it, and redistribute it as long as you give appropriate credits to us and Memory Alpha, and you don’t use it for commercial business.

The rest of this episode, unless otherwise stated, is released under a CC-BY-SA licence, which means you can do pretty much whatever you want with it, as long as you credit us as the original authors, and if you publish something based on this episode, you have to release it under the same license.

The post Awakening appeared first on Tea, Earl Grey, Hot !.

The Binary Times – Series 6 Episode 8

Series 6 Episode 8 – In this episode Mark and Wayne start off the show talking about DRM as its International Day Against DRM, this leads on to too many logins, Mark chats about wiki learn and Wayne speaks about now needing an Outlook account to setup Windows Home, more under the hood tips and another epic Irish saying. Enjoy.

00:29 Wayne welcomes us to Series 6 Episode 8 from a slightly overcast, take it as it comes Bristol. Mark tells us it’s a bit of a mixed bag in Kilkishen, classic autumnal stuff. Mark pre-empts Wayne’s queries by telling us he’s still working on his core during this loong fortnight, after which the guys muse about the longevity of the show.

03:33 The guys discuss International Day against DRM. It’s a wide ranging discussion covering various aspects of digital locks. Mark describes the dust jacket Defective by Design have come up with for 2019’s International Day against DRM. Mark also mentions that he’s using w3schools css templates to help his daughter build a website on global climate change. He also introduced her to wikitolearn. As the topic has veered towards educational materials, Wayne mentions Cisco Network Academy’s free online courses of Introduction to Cybersecurity, Introduction to IoT, Entrepreneurship and Linux Essentials.

31:08 Wayne tells us tales from the other side and says that it is no longer possible to log into Windows 10 Home without an online account, as chronicled in this howtogeek article, which also chronicles ways around it. After this bombshell, Wayne tells us that he’s not spending as much time doing IT work because since he is now using Nextcloud, vim, ssh and Remmina. He has a lot of his projects completed, though now he has to maintain it! He’s taking a bit of time out to decide how he’s going to manage all his IT bits, going forward.

41:29 Wayne tells us about events soon to happen, being Oggcamp and Sono. He also tells us he met up with Al from the AdminAdim podcast.

44:31 Under the Hood – Wayne’s Under the Hood is about Linux Networking Tools, and it comes from the Binary Tides! Wayne follows this with a link to 15 tips for nmap usage

Mark’s under the hood is an app called ClassyShark3xodus, which checks apps for code signatures of known trackers (provided by Exodus). It is based on Classy Shark from google. The guys round out the whole thing with a quick chat around the latest humble bundles and collapse os.

55:49 Irish saying of the show – “Is maith liom cupan tae” or I like my cuppa tea!

We hope you enjoy it as much as we did making it!