The Naked Now

For this week’s episode, Dave and Yannick are joined once again by Michael Tunnell, from Destination Linux Network. They review the third (or second, depends on how you count them) episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, The Naked Now. They then talk about TNG in general, and also the origins of this particular episode. Plus, feedback!

Call to action

Did you pick this episode apart as much as we did? Perhaps you spotted something we missed? Or do you feel we were overly critical? Let us know!

In this episode

  • Yannick’s review of The Naked Now;
  • We discuss of the first few episodes of TNG;
  • Plus, the origins of this episode dating back to 1967!
  • And we have feedback from Travis, via email


Thanks to all our listeners, we are very grateful you chose to spend a little bit of your precious time to listen to our show !


The review featured in this episode is a modified version of the work done by the team at Memory Alpha. It is released under a CC-BY-NC licence, which means you can use it, transform it, and redistribute it as long as you give appropriate credits to us and Memory Alpha, and you don’t use it for commercial business.

The rest of this episode is released under a CC-BY-SA licence. That means you can do pretty much whatever you want with it, as long as you credit us as the original authors. If you publish something based on this episode, you have to release it under the same license.

The post The Naked Now appeared first on Tea, Earl Grey, Hot !.

#612 – She is doing art!

This week on The Bugcast: Jill Gascoigne dies, Dave’s course deadline shortens dramatically, and yes she is doing art, plus 8 pieces of great Creative Commons music!

Songs played

Intro: <a href="">Chris Juergensen</a> – Bug Lips<br />
Outro: <a href="">Mark Marshall</a> – Man Walking


BBC News: <a href="">Jill Gascoine: Pioneering British actress dies at 83</a><br />
edX shorten Dave’s <a href="">Star Trek course</a> by 9 months<br />
Caroline’s arty stuff – yes Dave, she is doing art!<br />
Shout out to <a href="">DN12Live</a> if they want presenters…?

Upcoming events

<strong>Most events that we would usually promote are at risk, keep watching for more details.</strong>


  • Please leave us feedback on the music or any of the topics that we’ve discussed.
  • The next live show will be episode 613, which will be streamed live in the chatroom on Friday 8 May 2020 at 21:30-ish UK time (BST/GDT/UTC+1).
  • Join us during the week on our Telegram group chat – click here to join
    (you’ll need a Telegram account)


Podcasts mentioned


Special thanks go to

Our <a href="">supporters</a>!<br />
The artists for allowing us to play their music.<br />
Everyone who joined us in the chat room for the live broadcast of this show.<br />
<a href="">Internet Archive</a> for hosting the media files<br />
<a href="">Euterpia Radio</a> for the use of their Shoutcast server

The Bugcast is a proud founder member of the Other Side Podcast Network

The post #612 – She is doing art! appeared first on The Bugcast.

TuxJam 82 – Surviving Lockdown Special

tuxjam graphic

With the majority of the world affected by the Coronavirus/COVID19 and many of us in lock-down, the TuxJam crew decided to talk about the geeky things that they are doing to pass the time. So in a break from the traditional format, the usual suspects were joined by Wayne, Yannick and (briefly) Caroline from the OSPN’s other shows, and the reviews were left on the shelf for a month to make room for a more discursive episode.

But TuxJam wouldn’t be the same without the music (we need some form of consistency), the tracks included on this show:

Please note that this show was recorded after COVID19 guidelines were issued. It is a virtual round table, none of the hosts were even within a two mile radius of each other and therefore more than the recommended distance of two meters apart. The beer consumed was from different mug, tankards, glasses, cans or bottles. No communal cups were used in the making of this podcast.

The Binary Times – Series 7 Episode 9

Series 7 Episode 9 – In this episode Mark kicks off the show chatting about the recent Ubuntu 20.04 LTS release, we read out the release notes and discuss some of the topics covered, Wayne has been building a KVM host for offloading Win10 and Video rendering tasks to a server, more under the hood tips and another epic Irish saying. Enjoy.

00:25 Wayne welcomes us to Series 7 Episode 9 from a clear skied Bristol, with nice temperatures through the day but getting chilly through the night. Mark gives us his weather report by clicking on his message tray on his new and shiny Ubuntu 20.04 Gnome desktop, which prompts a conversation around Ubuntu’s most recent release. Mark recommends Wayne should upgrade to Ubuntu-MATE 20.04 having read its release notes and talks about his growing appreciation of the Gnome desktop. Wayne is slow to upgrade due to the extensive audio modifications he has made to his system. Mark isn’t sure about snaps on laptops due to their autorefresh feature and the performance hit that can introduce. Mark tells us he’s currently distro-hopping, trying to find the perfect distro for new users, and tells us a bit about Zorin OS. Wayne talks about the price of webcams.

16:39 The guys discuss the recent press release for Ubuntu 20.04 which they find interesting while bringing up many questions.

42:27 Wayne tells us about his follow up on the Russian hack attacks. Thanks to Robert for all his advice. He reads out Robert’s email:

“Hello Wayne and Mark,

I’m just getting in touch to say that you got at least one listener. I
always enjoy hearing about your trials and tribulations.

Re the school seeing lots of traffic from Russia, I suspect they are
simply trying to either compromise the WordPress install or already
have found their way in. I work for a hosting company and I see this
stuff a lot.

When a site is under I attack I usually run a few command to figure out
what is going on. This will product a sorted count of IP addresses that
hit the server in the last few minutes (assuming the current time is

# grep "13/Apr/2020:10:2" /path/to/log | awk '{print $1}' | sort
| uniq -c | sort -hr

You can then get the top IP address and check what it’s doing:

# grep "13/Apr/2020:10:2" /path/to/log | grep | less

It’s worth checking if the requests are mainly POST requests. They
could simply be hits on wp-login.php or

# grep "13/Apr/2020:10:2" /path/to/log | grep | grep -c POST
# grep "13/Apr/2020:10:2" /path/to/log | grep | grep -c GET

Of course, also look at the resources (URLs) that are requested. It may
be that they are creating user accounts or posting comments. Or if you
see SQL commands in the resources they will be scanning for SQL

Also, investigate the server load. They might be mining crypto
currencies (quite popular nowadays).

At work we’re using this script quite a bit:

It may help find naughty IPs and figure out what they’re doing, but
blocking IPs unfortunately requires cPanel (or more specifically, CSF).
It shouldn’t actually be too difficult to use firewalld or iptables
instead (the blocking is done on lines 836-845).

As a thought of the day, it might be worth switching the site from AWS
to more traditional, managed hosting. I run a few of my own websites on
a Digital Ocean VPS, mainly because it’s cheap and because none of the
sites are very important. For anything critical I would never choose
unmanaged hosting. It’s just too painful to deal with issues like
spikes in traffic from Russian (and China).

Anyway, that’s enough from me. Best wishes from a partially cloudy and
slightly windy Norwich.


Wayne goes on to tell us that he’s moved the site to another server, upgraded all the bits and so far things are looking good. He also discusses how the WordPress site was initially implemented over an existing static site.

Wayne tells us that he’s installed Windows 10 in a Virtual Machine and an Ubuntu MATE Virtual Machine on an Ubuntu Server so that his partner can use Windows applications on her laptop. He used the following links to help him achieve this:

Wayne is still trying to figure out Wake On LAN.

Mark points out the environmental benefits of Wake On LAN, and mentions the momentous events in the last few days, being Earth Day, Ubuntu 20.04 release and the Hubble Telescope launch 30 years ago.

01:00:51 Under the Hood – Mark’s under the hood is OMG Ubuntu’s 10 things to do after installing Ubuntu (as well as 4 things you shouldn’t do). He also mentions Building Ireland, Episode 2 The Transatlantic Telegraph Cable as well worth a watch. It was the inspiration that led to Mark redesigning his workspace! Mark is going to take a picture from the Other Side

Wayne’s under the hood is grep -rnw '/var/www/html/' -e 'upload_max_filesize',

where-r = recursive, -n = line number, -w = match whole word, -e = search pattern

01:05:46 Irish Saying of the show is “Tá gach rud agam”, or I have everything! We hope you enjoy the show as much as we did making it.

Encounter at Farpoint, part 2

Encounter at Farpoint, part 2
Encounter at Farpoint, part 2

For this second part of The Next Generation’s pilot, the guys are alone to do the review the end of Encounter at Farpoint. And then, Dave submits Yannick to the seven questions !.

Call to action

What would be your answers to our seven question ? Let us know !

In this episode


Thanks to all our listeners, we are very grateful you chose to spend a little bit of your precious time to listen to our show !


The review featured in this episode is a modified version of the work done by the team at Memory Alpha. It is released under a CC-BY-NC licence, which means you can use it, transform it, and redistribute it as long as you give appropriate credits to us and Memory Alpha, and you don’t use it for commercial business.

The rest of this episode is released under a CC-BY-SA licence. That means you can do pretty much whatever you want with it, as long as you credit us as the original authors. If you publish something based on this episode, you have to release it under the same license.

The post Encounter at Farpoint, part 2 appeared first on Tea, Earl Grey, Hot !.

#611 – Containment bleach

This week on The Bugcast: bold and dangerous claims from the US president, containment bleach, and stargazing from Bugcast Towers, a world exclusive music track, plus 8 pieces of great Creative Commons music!

Songs played

Intro: <a href="">Chris Juergensen</a> – Bug Lips<br />
Outro: <a href="">Mark Marshall</a> – Man Walking


<strong>A World Exclusive</strong>: Princesse Zoé – Berceuse à Jouets<br />
BBC News: <a href="">Coronavirus: Trump’s disinfectant and sunlight claims fact-checked</a> <em>(containment bleach)</em><br />
BBC News: <a href="">Starlink space display ‘set to continue all week’</a><br />
Telescopic explorations

Upcoming events

<strong>Most events that we would usually promote are at risk, keep watching for more details.</strong>


  • Please leave us feedback on the music or any of the topics that we’ve discussed.
  • The next live show will be episode 612, which will be streamed live in the chatroom on Friday 1 May 2020 at 21:30-ish UK time (BST/GDT/UTC+1).
  • Join us during the week on our Telegram group chat – click here to join
    (you’ll need a Telegram account)


Podcasts mentioned


Special thanks go to

Our <a href="">supporters</a>!<br />
The artists for allowing us to play their music.<br />
Everyone who joined us in the chat room for the live broadcast of this show.<br />
<a href="">Internet Archive</a> for hosting the media files<br />
<a href="">Euterpia Radio</a> for the use of their Shoutcast server

The Bugcast is a proud founder member of the Other Side Podcast Network

The post #611 – Containment bleach appeared first on The Bugcast.

Encounter at Farpoint, part 1

Encounter at Farpoint, part 1
Encounter at Farpoint, part 1

For this first episode about The Next Generation, the teams reviews the first half of Encounter at Farpoint, and they are joined by regular guest CubicleNate. Then, the discussion focuses on the quality – or lack thereof – of this pilot.

Call to action

What do you think about The Next Generation ? Did you like Encounter at Farpoint ? Let us know !

In this episode


Thanks to all our listeners, we are very grateful you chose to spend a little bit of your precious time to listen to our show !


The review featured in this episode is a modified version of the work done by the team at Memory Alpha. It is released under a CC-BY-NC licence, which means you can use it, transform it, and redistribute it as long as you give appropriate credits to us and Memory Alpha, and you don’t use it for commercial business.

The rest of this episode is released under a CC-BY-SA licence. That means you can do pretty much whatever you want with it, as long as you credit us as the original authors. If you publish something based on this episode, you have to release it under the same license.

The post Encounter at Farpoint, part 1 appeared first on Tea, Earl Grey, Hot !.

#610 – Clapping Carry On

This week on The Bugcast: one hundred laps for one hundred years, and a clapping carry on on Westminster Bridge, plus 8 pieces of great Creative Commons music!

Songs played

Intro: <a href="">Chris Juergensen</a> – Bug Lips<br />
Outro: <a href="">Mark Marshall</a> – Man Walking


BBC News: <a href="">Coronavirus: Captain Tom Moore passes £20m in NHS fundraising</a><br />
Sky News: <a href="">Coronavirus: Met Police criticised for allowing clapping crowds to break lockdown rules on Westminster Bridge</a> <em>(a clapping carry on)</em>

Upcoming events

<strong>Most events that we would usually promote are at risk, keep watching for more details.</strong>


  • Please leave us feedback on the music or any of the topics that we’ve discussed.
  • The next live show will be episode 611, which will be streamed live in the chatroom on Friday 24 April 2020 at 21:30-ish UK time (BST/GDT/UTC+1).
  • Join us during the week on our Telegram group chat – click here to join
    (you’ll need a Telegram account)


Podcasts mentioned


Special thanks go to

Our <a href="">supporters</a>!<br />
The artists for allowing us to play their music.<br />
Everyone who joined us in the chat room for the live broadcast of this show.<br />
<a href="">Internet Archive</a> for hosting the media files<br />
<a href="">Euterpia Radio</a> for the use of their Shoutcast server

The Bugcast is a proud founder member of the Other Side Podcast Network

The post #610 – Clapping Carry On appeared first on The Bugcast.



In this episode, not one, not two, but seven guests join the guys ! Now that Picard is finished, and before Dave and Yannick start reviewing The Next Generation, the team and their guests review Threshold, the fithteenth episode of the second season of Star Trek: Voyager, which is generaly viewed as the worst episode of Star Trek ever, accros all series.

Call to action

What do you think about Threshold ? Is it that bad ? Let us know!

In this episode

  • Dave’s review of Threshold ;
  • Big fun with all our guests.


Thanks to all our listeners, we are very grateful you chose to spend a little bit of your precious time to listen to our show !


The review featured in this episode is a modified version of the work done by the team at Memory Alpha. It is released under a CC-BY-NC licence, which means you can use it, transform it, and redistribute it as long as you give appropriate credits to us and Memory Alpha, and you don’t use it for commercial business.

The rest of this episode is released under a CC-BY-SA licence. That means you can do pretty much whatever you want with it, as long as you credit us as the original authors. If you publish something based on this episode, you have to release it under the same license.

The post Threshold appeared first on Tea, Earl Grey, Hot !.

The Binary Times – Series 7 Episode 8

Series 7 Episode 8 – In this episode The Binary Times guys kick off the show with Mark feeding back on his experiences with EndlessOS, he also introduces a new search engine to try, Wayne has been donating CPU cycles to the Covid19 fight, and fighting of a DDOS attack on his workplace website, more under the hood tips and another epic Irish saying. Enjoy.

00:25 Wayne welcomes us to Series 7 Episode 8 from a glorious sunny Bristol, while Mark struggles to get up in time to tell us what the weather is like. The fog in Kilkishen matches the fog in his mind, though overall the weather’s been nice and looks like it’ll improve from here on in.The guys chat about compost before Mark decides to tell a joke: What kind of tea is a web designers favourite type of tea? URL Grey! Oh, the fun we have! 🙂

04:50 Mark tells us about his latest adventures with Endless OS. Unfortunately the initial shine has worn off and he’s found enough problems with it to make him cautious of using it for introducing new users to linux.

11:23 Mark tells us he’s switched his search engine to Ecosia, a search engine that is using the profits it makes from your searches to plant trees. Ecosia uses Microsoft’s Bing search functionality enhanced by its own algorithms to obtain its search results. The guys continue to discuss the benefits of planting trees and the possibility of planting trees in the Sahara and what implications that has for other ecologies. This leads the discussion around to how to fix things without breaking other things and being too ready to jump onto quick fix solutions. They also discuss how the current crisis has done more for climate change than anything governments have been able to do and they discuss how different governments have reacted to the crisis.The guys agree that it’s important not to go back to selfishly accumulating under the old system. We need a shake up. The economy should serve humanity, not the other way around. The conversation moves onto how the media manipulates our thoughts.

25:02 The conversation finally returns to a bit of Linux. Wayne thanks Paul for the gift of the SSDs. Wayne’s used one of these SSDs with his Dell Vostro to install Rosetta@Home, inspired by Use a Raspberry Pi to Fight Covid-19 with Rosetta@Home. First he installed Ubuntu Server, updated his system using sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade and then installed the BOINC client by inputting sudo apt install boinc-client boinctui. This is now being used to help in the fight against the Corona Virus and Wayne thoroughly recommends it.

Wayne goes on to tell us that his company website is being DDoS’d and he discusses the methods he has used so far to fight these fiends. Mark and Wayne wonder about humanity.

Wayne has put together an audio studio on a laptop and SSD donated by Paul based on a video from Unfa, called How do I prepare Manjaro KDE for audio production?. In this video, Unfa goes through the steps he takes to make a great audio studio. The first step he takes is to run Timeshift and create a system backup. On Manjaro, you must first install Timeshift by inputting sudo pacman -Sy && sudo pacman -S timeshift, then run timeshift to create backups as new software is installed. JACK needs to be installed and this can be accomplished by typing into your terminal (hit F12 to bring one up quickly) which jackd followed by sudo pacman -S jack2. Then install Cadence by typing sudo pacman -S cadence. Ensure that your user is allowed to use Realtime Scheduling in the system by inputting the following:

sudo usermod -a -G
sudo vi /etc/security/limits.conf

Add the following lines to the bottom of this file

@audio - rtprio 95
@audio - memlock unlimited

Reboot the machine and install octopi, a graphical frontend for pacman, a handy gui tool to install software. Open octopi, search for Ardour, right click ‘Install’, and add extra packages. Click on the ‘Correct Mark’ to install.
Click on the Alien Head icon in Octopi (to search the AUR) and install Zyn-Fusion.
yay –noconfirm –noeditmenu -S –aur aur/zyn-fusion aur/surge-synthesizer-bin
Unfa’s favourite plugins: [available in the Arch repository (pacman)]
calf, lsp-plugins, fluidsynth, a2jmidid, ardour, audacity, aubio, cadence, calf, caps, carla, dragonfly reverb, drumgizmo, ebumeter, eq10q, geonkick, guitarix, helm-synth, liquidsfz, lsp-plugins, ninjas2, noise-repellent, qmidiarp, samplv1, setbfree, sherlock.lv2, sonic-visualiser, swh-plugins, tap-plugins, vamp-plugins, wolf-shaper, wolf-spectrum, x42-plugins, zam-plugins, zita-ajbridge, zita-njbridge, zita-rev1
AUR – bitrot, nvada plugins.
Finally, press the super key, type kernel, this opens the kernel app.
Select a real time kernel to use and click install. Reboot the machine, press the SHIFT key after the bios screen and you get to GRUB menu. Go to Advanced and select the RealTime Kernel you just installed.
Every time you boot the machine it’ll automatically select the RT Kernel.

If you are to do this on a Debian based system you would need to enable the KXStudio repositories as detailed on the KXStudio website.

43:42 Wayne talks about installing Manjaro on the Pinebook Pro, since Pine are now installing it by default. Wayne finds it to be a pleasant community project that you need to be into to really enjoy the experience.

47:11 Under the Hood! Mark’s under the hoods are Curious Journey – The 1916 Easter Rising by Kenneth Griffith, in which he interviews survivors of the 1916 Rising in an attempt to answer the Irish Question. Mark’s second under the Hood is Blúiníní Béaloidis, an Irish Folklore podcast, with Episode 24 being all about folk medicine.

Wayne’s under the hoods are a recommendation to update the zoom app. Mark mentions the Mozilla blog on Zoom. Wayne goes on to tell us that it is possible to use Ubuntu Touch as your daily driver.

53:32 Irish Saying of the show is “Tóg sos dom”, or give me a break! We hope you enjoy the show as much as we did making it.