The Binary Times – Series 6 Episode 3

Series 6 Episode 3 – Mark is back from the maker fair in Dublin having met up with many contemporaries and buzzed up with weekend, he also speaks about backup programs, pi-hole issues, Blender gets an update, Wayne speaks more about phones, upgrades his infrastructure, more under the hood tips and another epic Irish saying. Enjoy.

00:24 Wayne’s barely able to welcome us to Episode 3 of Season 6 after an hour of faffing about in the searing heat of Bristol. Mark tries to say the right things and tell us it’s raining in Kilkishen.

03:00 Mark tells us all about Dublin Maker Fair. He tells us he met some of the people from Dublin Linux Group and chatted with Conor from Linux Lads. There were physics experiments galore and a home made 3D printer to be seen. The Board Game Designers of Ireland were there too, and Mark received a game from one of the developers there. The game is great! Mark mentions that representatives of Techspace, CoderDojo and Raspberry Pi were there. Crafty Nathan Creations, a financial wizard by day, creator of cool costumes in his spare time, was showing off his Fallout and Metro creations. Mark goes on to tell us that students were on site who were building Ireland’s first satellite, EIRSAT-1. Tog, the maker / hacker space in Dublin, was there also, providing good information on de-googling your life, with more information on that being found at,, and a beginner friendly workshop on digital self defence near you can be found at Mark felt right at home with everything going on and really enjoyed the day. He’d recommend it.

Mark goes on to tell us that he provided a Gigabyte Brix for his parents’ home and installed Linux Mint 19.2 on it. This leads the lads on to talk about Timeshift, a system backup utility used in Linux Mint. Mark tells us that there’s quite a good article on Linux Magazine about Timeshift also. Wayne asks about Déjà Dup and the guys breifly discuss the merits of various back up strategies.

Mark goes on to discuss some adventures he has had with pihole, and how he couldn’t get pihole -r to work as he thought it should work. Wayne goes on to tell us some pi-hole issues he helped Paul with, DNS and DHCP issues. Wayne thanks Paul for the memory he sent on.

Mark rounds out his what has he been doing for the last fortnight section with a little chat about Blender and its latest release 2.80. Mark tells us about some of the uses Blender has been put to, including Yo Frankie!, a game show-casing the Blender Game Engine, Big Buck Bunny, an animated movie in which Frankie appears, Elephant’s Dream, the first movie created with Blender, Sintel, a brilliant bit of animation and great story to boot, as well as Tears of Steel and Agent 327. Mark goes on to tell us the huge news that Ubisoft is joining the Blender Development Fund. Mark tells us about his own recent experience with Blender 2.80, tells us of its differences, and that Blender is an API breaking releases. Mark recommends using the snap or steam version to stay current.

33:34 Wayne tells us what he’s been at, and he begins by announcing that he’s ditched Ubuntu Touch and is back on Lineage OS with f-droid. Wayne feels that the cleanliness of Lineage and not having to think about his phone and it just being his daily driver makes his life easier. Mark asks Wayne about /e/. Wayne gives us his reasons as to why he’s sticking with Lineage.

This brings the conversation around to old hardware and 32 bit computers. 32 bit Distributions mentioned are Slackware, antiX Linux, MX linux and Debian. Wayne questions the usability of Debian day to day. Mark suggests Linux Mint Debian Edition.

50:29 Wayne tells us that he’s completely replaced his old routing setup with a pfsense box. He tells us he’s using pfBlockerNG to block unwanted sites. He’s quite happy with his new set up.

Mark tells us that his Turros Mox has finally arrived and his internet connection is soon to be upgraded. Mark is starting to suspect his phones are having an effect on his network performance.

1:00:05 Under the Hood – Wayne talks about Frank Karlitschek’s self hosting talk and in particular the file link add on for thunderbird. It is an extension which makes it easy to send large attachments with Thunderbird.

Wayne also mentions Dave’s suggestion of vrms to check your system for non-free software.

Mark’s under the hood is the command apt-cache show [application]. This command gives you all the details of the application in question in the repository, including dependancies.

1:05:00 Irish saying of the audiocast is “Táim i dtrioblóid”, or I’m in trouble, a reflection of the difficulties the guys had in getting this show together.

We hope you enjoy this audiocast as much as we did making it, please do get in touch and let us know what you think, we do love to get your feedback. Mark recommends checking out the new logos on Patreon.

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