The Binary Times – Series 5 Episode 12a

Series 5 Episode 12a – This is the special episode to finish off the season, Mark has been playing with SonicPi, this starts a very rounabout conversation, Wayne gives more updates on using Ubuntu Touch and the community, more under the hood tips and another epic Irish saying. Enjoy.

00:24 Wayne introduces the Summer Solstice Special Episode of Season 5. It’s terribly sunny in Bristol, and Kilkishen is overcast, perfect weather for hillwalking.

03:30 Mark tells us about his huge big plans for the Special Episode, which he didn’t actually pull off. He tells us about Sonic Pi, a live music creation application created by Sam Aaron, and recommends everyone watch the talk he gave at TEDx Newcastle. This leads to a general discussion around everyone learning to programme, sysadmin bits and the software we use and why we use it.

28:23 Wayne gives us an Ubuntu Touch update. He’s been on UT now for a month and is enjoying it. He finds reading pdfs a bit laborious. He’s installed Libertine on his phone, an application that allows you to run standard desktop applications on Ubuntu Touch. He’s used this to install Aisleriot and Etherwake. Mark asks a question about Scopes. Wayne provides a link to Libertine documentation. Wayne goes on to tell us about some of the amazing chat taking place on the UBports Telegram Supergroup. One of its members, Mateo Salta created Wake It!Fork, an application to send wake-on-LAN messages. Wayne is using that now instead of Etherwake through Libertine. Thanks to Mateo Salta! Wayne tells us that the Binary Times was mentioned on the Ubuntu Touch Q&A 52 audiocast

43:04 Wayne tells us that this is the last episode that we will be using feedburner, please resubscribe! Our Audiocast has been liberated!

45:22 Wayne tells us that he’s set up ssh on his Ubuntu Touch phone. The guys discuss theming also.

47:52 Wayne talks about the promo video on omgubuntu for the Pinebook Pro, and provides some of the specs

50:33 Under the Hood – Mark’s under the hood is a shout out for Dublin Maker Day on 20th July

52:30 Wayne tells us a bit about the NextCloud Music app. Wayne also tells us about, a great guide to the GPIO pinouts on a Raspberry Pi.

56:35 Irish saying of the episode:

“An tí a bhíonn súlach

Bíonn sé scéalach.”

We hope you enjoy this as much as we did making it!

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