The Binary Times – Series 4 Episode 7

Series 4 Episode 7 – In this episode, Mark has been having trouble with his Pi-hole, a series of troublesome IT times in his office, Wayne has been upgrading routers, we speak about language and chickens, Matomo – the website analytical software, the EU copyright directive , more amazing under the hood tips and an Irish saying in this fortnights episode, have a listen…
00:24 Wayne welcomes us to Series 4, Episode 7 from a sunny, autumnal Bristol. He’s enjoying the weather, it’s good chicken weather! Mark greets us from an overcast, but calm Kilkishen. He fears that next week might be quite bad weather wise, watch this space, maybe retrospectively…
01:44 With the weather out of the way, Wayne asks Mark what he’s been up to in his Little Linux Land for the last fortnight. Mark tells us that he upgraded his pihole to version 4 and after adding some extra blocklists saw his blocked traffic go from ~3% to ~44%, which he puts down to snapchat. He goes on to tell us that both his pi-hole and his main desktop PC both stopped working last night, the reason for which he hasn’t figured out yet. Wayne reminds us that we’re talking about all good things about Linux. Mark blames nVidia for its sucky stupid proprietary drivers. This leads the guys to have a bit of a ‘production meeting’ mid podcast to discuss the advantages of being Irish and [ab]using the English language. All feedback on this production meeting welcome!

07:50 Wayne tells us that he has updated dd-wrt on all his routers. The flirtation with Microtik’s RouterOS is over after Ben, one of our contirbutor’s, mentioned an article focusing on MikroTik router vulnerabilities. Wayne thanks the DD-WRT community for all their hard work over the years. Wayne checks some info to ensure his reporting accuracy, and the lads joke about their recent efforts to improve the podcast.

10:41 Wayne tells us he also updated his Nextcloud instance. This leads to a discussion around how good Nextcloud is and also the new features available in Nextcloud 14.

16:40 Wayne tells us of the fun he’s had updating his servers to Ubuntu 18.04. Luckily he was prudent, he snapshotted his previous 16.04 server, and all is good. The guys discuss good sys admin practices, dabbling, and some meat and potatoes for good measure. Apologies to all the vegetarians out there!

19:12 Moving on from that, Wayne tells us that he upgraded his desktop to Ubuntu MATE 18.04. Wayne tells us he is using Lenovo’s Display Link and that Adnan Hodzic’s display link driver for Debian has proved immeasurably useful, thanks Adnan!

21:10 Wayne brings the conversation around to the latest Humble Bundles, ranging from UI/UX to Trivia to Smart homes / smart cities. The guys chat about a number of topics ranged around the ideas in these bundles.

29:50 In other stuff that Wayne has been doing, he’s discovered that Piwik has become Matomo. This leads to more conversation around privacy and more production meeting type discussions! Mark mentions the Miro Guide as another way to promote the podcast. Mark refers back to Squid’s point of providing information about open source technologies on proprietary platforms as a valid way to spread the free software message. It’s a tough one to crack. Welcome to lucky bag podcasting! The guys invite everyone listening to join in on providing their views.

35:50 Wayne talks Audio on Linux, specifically JACK, and some brilliant tutorials that he has come across explaining how to use JACK.

38:02 Mark follows up on the current state of the EU copyright Directive by telling us that the EU Parliament voted to adopt its position on digital copyright rules. Mark follows this with his own take on all this malarky, and the guys have a discussion around this.

43:05 Mark follows on from all this with a mention of the International Day against DRM Mark also mentions the Defective by Design’s DRM free guide to living.

47:00 Under the Hood – Mark’s Under the Hood is a quick one on how to do networking right on a Raspberry Pi and that is edit dhcpcd.conf and nothing else.

Wayne’s Under the Hood is to use the website to test web page loading times.

48:25 Irish Saying of the Podcast – “Faoi mhóid bheith saor” – Sworn to be Free (ahem, apart from all the proprietary stuff, sorry!)

We hope you enjoyed the podcast as much as we did making it!

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